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Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:54 am
by AndrewV69
Spike13 wrote:
Jan Steen wrote:
Aneris wrote:
At the moment, there is a bit of a twitter fight between Dan Arel of Patheos, and Stephen "Godless Spellchecker" Knight & Peter Boghossian over the on-camera punch against Alt Right's Richard Spencer. Dan Arel in good CTRL Left fashion found it good that he got punched, the others disagreed.


What's appalling about this case to me is not so much condoning the punch, but that Dan Arel is one of the “Yes, Freeze Peach, but there will be consequences” people, like Stephonknee Zvan, Steve Shives etcetera and here we have a concrete case that “consequence” can mean violence against the speaker. That dispels all illusion he means counterspeech or a shot through reputation. His “freeze peach but beware of consequences” is more like the friendly reminder of the two men in swanky suits that it would be terrible would something unfortunate happen to your fine etablishment.
Resorting to violence is absolutely the most stupid thing that Trump's opponents can do right now. And of course, like clockwork, doing the most stupid thing is exactly what they will do. I am convinced that, at heart, people like Dan Arel, Myers, etc. are totalitarians, who would be fine with re-education camps where people who excercise their Freeze Peach in the wrong way will be beaten up and locked away. And Zvan would make a great Sadistic Camp Commander, whip in hand. :lol:

It looked to me like a lot of the violence was instigated by people who dressed and acted like Anarchists.

They aren't pro Trump, but certainly not Hillary supporters. They just like to stir up shit at protests.
What I find interesting is that the Black Bloc appear to be allowed to do their thing in North America for so long seemingly without being quashed.

During the G20 protests in Toronto a few years ago. I really started to get a sense that the Police were allowing the Black Bloc to operate in some areas unhindered while other areas were off limits.

I have not thought too much about them honestly, but right now I suspect there is more to them than would appear on the surface. Almost as if they are useful to someone with a certain amount of influence.

Like what happened with Ernst Zündel
On May 8, 1995, his Toronto residence was the target of an arson attack resulting in $400,000 in damage.[15] A group calling itself the "Jewish Armed Resistance Movement" claimed responsibility for the arson attack; according to the Toronto Sun, the group had ties to extremist organisations including the Jewish Defense League and Kahane Chai.[15] The leader of the Toronto wing of the Jewish Defense League, Meir Weinstein (known then as Meir Halevi), denied involvement in the attack; however, five days later, Weinstein and American JDL leader Irv Rubin were caught trying to break into the Zündel property, where they were apprehended by police.[15] No charges were ever filed in the incident.[16] Weeks after the fire, Zündel was targeted with a parcel bomb that was detonated by the Toronto Police bomb squad.[17] The investigation into the parcel bomb attack led to charges being laid against David Barbarash, an animal rights activist based in British Columbia, but they were eventually stayed.[18]
[redacted ... no doxing rule]

Anyway, these guys might have stayed out of jail, but as you can see did suffer some social/business ostracisation and possibly without being aware of the extent of it.

It is not so much who you know sometimes, but who knows you.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:58 am
by Scented Nectar
AndrewV69 wrote:
Bhurzum wrote:
gurugeorge wrote:I've been awa' fer a bit in Boston, in the land of Fallout 4 <snip>
You've convinced me.

I'm new to Fallout (never tried any of the earlier titles) so I'm going into this completely blind. Looks like there's plenty of DLC to add longevity to the game too, which is always nice.

Installing it now.

Stay tuned...
If you disappear like Scented Nectar we will know what happened.
Hi there. Only semi-disappeared. I've come back to vanity search "scented" again, lol. If I get any vainer I'll have to become a lefty again.

After close to 600 hours, I abandoned the game. It was fun while it lasted, but then it finally fully dawned on me that whatever slowly unfolding storyline there was, was re-written on Sony's orders shortly before release. And Sony is a piece of shit politically correct company. Also, the communists in China have their eye on buying it, just like they've been buying up the rest of the legacy movie studios (Sony makes both movies and games). The only good side of that, is that the legacy media is dying and now that Trump's in, they won't be able to turn the US branches into state-run monopoly media like they would have if global communism (Crooked Hillary) had gotten in.

I knew about the re-writing of the storylines (3 connected storylines actually) since before the release, but it didn't fully sink in until much later. What Sony did was have some external writer come in and re-write whatever the original programming team had in mind. I'd have kept playing if it was the original game, but since the re-writing was arranged by Sony, and since Sony has really shitty storylines with politically correct re-education in their other stuff (ghostbusters, upcoming remakes of All in the Family and others), I figured fuck this and quit. By that point, all that was left was the slowly unfolding story but it wasn't even the team's original vision for the game any more, it was Sony's 'corrected' version, and so I lost interest. It took a while for it to so fully sink in, but once it did, I just couldn't play anymore. Oh well. I'd love to someday find out what the original story was supposed to be, but I doubt I'll ever find out.

I'd also like to know why Sony did not bother to defend the team against all the false expectations of multiplayer. All it would have taken would have been an article in some of the mainstream game media. Or maybe put out a video with all the clips of Sean's many disclaimers saying NOT to expect it in the usual sense. The Colbert Show youtube channel now only has the shorter version up that leaves out the disclaimers he did there, which is strange since I saw that one a couple of times and remember the disclaimer. It's not just my shitty memory here, because my thumbs up on the shorter video is also missing.

Or maybe Sony could have just let Sean put out a video saying something like "I told you guys so many times not to expect to meet anyone and that you wouldn't even be able to recognize another player anyways..." They could have nipped the scandal in the bud on that first day when 2 people went to the same universe location and freaked out because they couldn't see each other. Instead, Sony let it go on and on and on like they wanted it to fail. Makes me wonder if it was one of those situations where a company buys something for the sole purpose of either the technology behind the product or to take out the competition for some other product they want to put out.

They eventually put out a video letting it be implied that Sean had fucked up before finally being under Sony's PR dept. And from now on, Sean Murray will be falsely known as a liar on the internet, his name ruined. They also just let the team, especially Sean, get accused of being silent all over the place. People destroyed his name on that one too - it'll stick with him for the rest of his life. Sony had them under the PR dept's contract during the last stage of development, so most likely they were under non-disclosure rules. Sony could have at least made a statement to the effect that it was the company who ordered the silence.

Maybe someday, when they are no longer under Sony's contracts, they'll come out with something that was more of their original vision for the game. I really, really hope that Sean did not sign over the rights to the game engine as well. He wrote his own custom game engine that they used in creating NMS. Maybe it was the game engine that Sony really wanted. I also hope that there are no non-compete clauses that are too long lasting.

I'd also love to know the full story behind the "No Man's Sky was a mistake" tweet that they later claimed was hacked. I doubt it was a hack.

I'm looking for another game to get into, but none are as visually pleasing. Oh well, NMS was really nice while it lasted. I had a lot of fun until the problem of Sony's changed storylines ruined it for me.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:07 am
by piginthecity
AndrewV69 wrote: You succeeded in winding me up. But do not discount clannish tendencies. I grew up assuming that Glencoe and Culloden had happened not that long ago based on the way the adults talked about it. When I found out that it was all ancient history I was flummoxed.

Those people are all dead now. I was careful to never say a word of any of this to my children and to the best of my knowledge my nephews and nieces were raised in a similar manner.

So it has taken a couple hundred of years, for the generation after me to grow up without this sort of baggage. Anyone here should consider this when you contemplate conflicts in the Middle East. People can have very long memories, even if all the details might grow fuzzy.
You know what, Andrew ? I actually think this is an example of the opposite - how these things can be got past if the conditions were right. Fifty years after Culloden, highland regiments in the British army, wearing a modified form of highland dress, were bashing the natives all around the world for king and country. The empire benefitted Scotland, as much if not more than England and religious differences lost their sting in both those countries come the nineteenth century.

When you say McDonalds, most people will think burger and fries and not of the Duke of Perth's regiment, led by Keppoch and Glengarry, taking a pounding from the artillery on that windswept moor after having been denied their ancient privilege, granted by Robert the Bruce, of fighting on the right of the battle.

Different story in Ireland. Although even that seems to have distilled into rows about Solar energy subsidies these days.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:15 am
by CommanderTuvok
So, that guy in Melbourne.

If he converted to Islam, then it was obviously NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM, but if he had a concoction of other religious beliefs, it had EVERYTHING to do with those beliefs.

Right? Lol.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:28 am
by Sunder
Jerry's still perpetuating the "white house website purged of civil rights and climate change issues" myth.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:34 am
by Tigzy
Jan Steen wrote:History repeats itself, but the repeat is different enough to make people think that it is not a repeat. A:B is as C:D.

I've got to laugh at the stupid UK government who believe that Trump is really going to give Britain preferential treatement. He didn't even say that. When asked if Britain would now be in front of the queue the orange T-rex said that the UK were doing great. That's it. A few days later the guy is all 'Murica first'. The foolish Brits have learned nothing from Chamberlain. You just can't trust a proven liar like Trump, and anyone who does is a fucking moron. They turn their backs on decent partners in the EU and spread their legs for Mr. Pussy Grabber. They will get what they deserve. Britain is set to become the bargain basement of Trumpland.
'You'll get yours, Britain - you and your little dog!'

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:37 am
by Jan Steen
I just had a look at Carrier's site to see if any lulz were to be had. Well, there are a few. He announces that he is going to give a talk for a chapter of the Society of Biblical Literature. But, as you can imagine, that doesn't sound impressive enough for the good doctor. Since this club hired a venue at Notre Dame University, Dr. Carrier PhD titles his blog post Speaking on Josephus in Notre Dame, as if this were some kind of official University event. Also, he's not merely giving a talk, no, he "will be delivering a paper"! (Where will Dicky publish this 'paper', one wonders.)

But that is not the funniest bit. Carrier linked to the site of the Society of Biblical Literature. It turns out they have a harrassment policy. What do we read there?
Professional conduct includes, but is not limited to, conduct based on respect for others which does not in any way exploit power and/or status differences such as those that exist between faculty and students, between senior and junior colleagues, between employers and those seeking employment, or between those who grant access to publication or presentation and those who seek such access. It also includes conduct based on respect in peer to peer relationships.
Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal comment or physical conduct of a sexual nature by a person who knows or ought reasonably to know that such conduct is unwanted, including situations in which(i) the request or conduct involves any implied or expressed promise of professional reward for complying; or (ii) the request or conduct involves any implied or expressed threat of reprisal or denial of opportunity for refusing to comply; or (iii) the request or conduct results in what reasonably may be perceived as a hostile or intimidating environment.
Uh oh. So, Dicky is not supposed to call other scholars 'insane', and, even worse, will not be allowed to tell lonely female students of his interesting sperm fetish. I wonder why he would even bother to go.

And then there is this request to those who want to send in a paper:
Full name as you want it to appear in the program * Do NOT include titles, honorifics, or degrees (e.g., Dr., Prof., Ph.D., Rev.).
What? No Dr. Richard Carrier PhD in the program? Sounds like a deal breaker to me. :lol:

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:37 am
by CommanderTuvok
Sunder wrote:Jerry's still perpetuating the "white house website purged of civil rights and climate change issues" myth.
Will be interesting to see what eventually goes back up at the White House website. Conspiracy theories provided by Sputnik and RT, perhaps? Links to his businesses.


Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:44 am
by Sunder
Jan Steen wrote:And then there is this request to those who want to send in a paper:
Full name as you want it to appear in the program * Do NOT include titles, honorifics, or degrees (e.g., Dr., Prof., Ph.D., Rev.).
What? No Dr. Richard Carrier PhD in the program? Sounds like a deal breaker to me. :lol:
Could one change his legal name to get around the no honorifics rule and would Carrier be willing to do so?

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:21 am
by Jan Steen
Sunder wrote:
Jan Steen wrote:And then there is this request to those who want to send in a paper:
Full name as you want it to appear in the program * Do NOT include titles, honorifics, or degrees (e.g., Dr., Prof., Ph.D., Rev.).
What? No Dr. Richard Carrier PhD in the program? Sounds like a deal breaker to me. :lol:
Could one change his legal name to get around the no honorifics rule and would Carrier be willing to do so?
Sounds like a brilliant idea. He could then call himself Dr. Doctor "Doc" Carrier PhD. Heading straight for the Degree Singularity.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:43 am
by Sunder
Jerry's posting approvingly of the National Park Service twitter acct. poking a finger in Trump's eye, but a commenter points out this could come back to bite them and hard: ... nt-1440258

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:53 am
by Za-zen
Calling it now Elizabeth warren is the next D candidate and the first female US president

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:56 am
by Kirbmarc
Jan Steen wrote:I didn't say Trump is a Nazi, but there are certainly more parallels than you'd like to admit, it seems to me. He is definitely far worse than Berlusconi. If only because he can and almost certainly will do a lot more damage.
Probably, but mostly because he has a much bigger country and a much bigger army to play with. There's not a single thing which Trump has said or done so far that is any different to what Berlusconi did.

Even the alt-right had an Italian counterpart which was allied with Mr. B, the explicitly neo-fascist parties small parties on the extreme right and the "reformed fascist" party which was half of Berlusconi's coalition. Italy's constitution explicitly prohibits founding a party based on fascist ideals, and yet Berlusconi managed to bypass this prohibition quite easily.

He is a narcissistic, bombastic pathological liar who's more sleazy than Dick Carrier and more corrupt than Richard Nixon. He was a terrible leader for Italy. He was allied with semi-fascists and neo-fascists and ironic fascists and post fascists. And yet there were no concentration camps for the opposition in Italy, no extermination of minorities, no journalists killed like in Putin's Russia.

The absolute worst that Berlusconi did was suing critics and getting journalists fired for reporting on him. I could easily see Trump doing the same. Very illiberal, very cuntish, nowhere near as bad as what Putin does on a regular basis, to say nothing of Hitler.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:57 am
by InfraRedBucket
Ape+lust wrote:Jeezus. Looks who's taunting everyone with "Miss me yet?" antics.

He's just happily demonstrating the alternative near-asphyxiation torture method to waterboarding for the benefit of the incoming regime.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:58 am
by Za-zen
Calling it now Elizabeth warren is the next D candidate and the first female US president

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:02 am
by Za-zen
InfraRedBucket wrote:
Ape+lust wrote:Jeezus. Looks who's taunting everyone with "Miss me yet?" antics.

He's just happily demonstrating the alternative near-asphyxiation torture method to waterboarding for the benefit of the incoming regime.
You dumbasses how is Cheney supposed to be able to get it done, when he can't see what he's doing.

But yeah that's bush saying "see at least I have comic fucking timing"

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:10 am
by AndrewV69
Scented Nectar wrote: I'm looking for another game to get into, but none are as visually pleasing. Oh well, NMS was really nice while it lasted. I had a lot of fun until the problem of Sony's changed storylines ruined it for me.

Welcome back.

Have you looked at the Kerbal Space Program? Check out the Kerbal space station beta if you do.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:13 am
by Kirbmarc
Basically on a logarithmic scale of authoritarian damage Hitler was a 10, Pol Pot was a 9.8, Stalin was a 9.5, the Islamic State is a 9, Milosevic was a 8.5, Kim Jong Un is a 8, Saudi Arabia is a 7, Iran is a 6, Putin is a 5, Trump is a 2 and Berlusconi is a 1.5.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:14 am
by Kirbmarc
Yes, I'm grading cunts. :ugeek:

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:16 am
by InfraRedBucket
For some , it's got that bad...

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:17 am
by John D
Wow! Lots of bitches in pink hats are taking a walk downtown today. What's with that? Did I miss something?

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:20 am
by John D
Za-zen wrote:Calling it now Elizabeth warren is the next D candidate and the first female US president
Good call. Warren is in the driver's seat for what will be the "Tea Party" of the Left.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:32 am
by AndrewV69
piginthecity wrote:
AndrewV69 wrote: You succeeded in winding me up. But do not discount clannish tendencies. I grew up assuming that Glencoe and Culloden had happened not that long ago based on the way the adults talked about it. When I found out that it was all ancient history I was flummoxed.

Those people are all dead now. I was careful to never say a word of any of this to my children and to the best of my knowledge my nephews and nieces were raised in a similar manner.

So it has taken a couple hundred of years, for the generation after me to grow up without this sort of baggage. Anyone here should consider this when you contemplate conflicts in the Middle East. People can have very long memories, even if all the details might grow fuzzy.
You know what, Andrew ? I actually think this is an example of the opposite - how these things can be got past if the conditions were right. Fifty years after Culloden, highland regiments in the British army, wearing a modified form of highland dress, were bashing the natives all around the world for king and country. The empire benefitted Scotland, as much if not more than England and religious differences lost their sting in both those countries come the nineteenth century.

When you say McDonalds, most people will think burger and fries and not of the Duke of Perth's regiment, led by Keppoch and Glengarry, taking a pounding from the artillery on that windswept moor after having been denied their ancient privilege, granted by Robert the Bruce, of fighting on the right of the battle.

Different story in Ireland. Although even that seems to have distilled into rows about Solar energy subsidies these days.
Yep. That had not escaped my attention. Still thinking about it from time to time and coming up with a variety of conclusions. Mainly because the older I get the more skeptical I am getting about my previous conclusions.

I am currently reading The Black Swan and keep coming across zingers like this (bold, underline mine):
All that while the bankers led everyone, especially themselves, into believing that they were “conservative.” They are not conservative; just phenomenally skilled at self-deception by burying the possibility of a large, devastating loss under the rug
Currently watching the CBC coverage about Women's March on Washington. Fallacies, half truths, bullshyte is drowning out the few nuggets of truth. Lots of salt but so far not much in the way of entertainment. Constant stress on how people "feel" and zero on facts (such as misrepresenting the White House website).

I am tempted to drop everything and reread Manufacturing Consent right now because they (the CBC) are not being subtle in the slightest.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:35 am
by AndrewV69
John D wrote:Wow! Lots of bitches in pink hats are taking a walk downtown today. What's with that? Did I miss something?

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:38 am
by Jan Steen
Kirbmarc wrote:Basically on a logarithmic scale of authoritarian damage Hitler was a 10, Pol Pot was a 9.8, Stalin was a 9.5, the Islamic State is a 9, Milosevic was a 8.5, Kim Jong Un is a 8, Saudi Arabia is a 7, Iran is a 6, Putin is a 5, Trump is a 2 and Berlusconi is a 1.5.
Trump's just starting, though. Let's see a few years from now. I hope his score doesn't go up.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:44 am
by AndrewV69

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:48 am
by AndrewV69
Trump is supposed to visit the CIA later on today.

CBC is guessing he going to make nice with them. I have my doubts about that but we will see?

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:48 am
by Jack Wooster
AndrewV69 wrote:
Scented Nectar wrote: I'm looking for another game to get into, but none are as visually pleasing. Oh well, NMS was really nice while it lasted. I had a lot of fun until the problem of Sony's changed storylines ruined it for me.

Welcome back.

Have you looked at the Kerbal Space Program? Check out the Kerbal space station beta if you do.
Kerbal Space program is indeed a thing of beauty.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:05 am
by Kirbmarc
Jan Steen wrote:
Kirbmarc wrote:Basically on a logarithmic scale of authoritarian damage Hitler was a 10, Pol Pot was a 9.8, Stalin was a 9.5, the Islamic State is a 9, Milosevic was a 8.5, Kim Jong Un is a 8, Saudi Arabia is a 7, Iran is a 6, Putin is a 5, Trump is a 2 and Berlusconi is a 1.5.
Trump's just starting, though. Let's see a few years from now. I hope his score doesn't go up.
Hopefully (although it was a tongue in cheek scale anyway).

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:32 am
by Lsuoma
Brive1987 wrote:
Kirbmarc wrote:
Service Dog wrote:

It took Rebecca Watson just 3 days to go from denouncing someone for being "best friend" of a rapist... to Watson herself being twitter-bffs with a rapist of children.

And PZ was lurking close-by both times.
Watson has been besties with Nyberg for quite a long time. Nyberg is the edgelord of SJWLand, all the SJWs believe she was just trolling. Meanwhile they also believe that anyone accused of anything by anyone they like is guilty.

By the way it's even worse than that, Schumer defended a friend who defended a man accused of sexual assault, Schumer's two-degree removed from the accused, but guilt by association never stops.
Brive1987 wrote:I thought she was born Yugoslav?
Slovenia has existed as a separate country only since 1991, but the Slovenian ethnicity as an autonomous one dates back to the birth of the Austro-Hungarian empire at least. Yugoslavia was a multinational country like Czechoslovakia...or Switzerland. /ruining the joke.
That's as silly as saying Poland existed between Napoleon's time and the First World War.
Mrs Tit's family emigrated from Central Europe over a 50-year or so period. The papers at Ellis Island variously list Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, Croatia, and Slovakia. Even though they all lived in the same village in the Carso.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:45 am
by Lsuoma
Jan Steen wrote:Those Women's Marches going on today are another dumb PR move that only works to Trump's advantage, another symptom of the disease called Identity Politics. As if only women have grounds to dislike Trump. Great way to alienate half the population.
I thought 54% of the women who voted, did so for Trumpo.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:06 am
by John D
Lsuoma wrote:
Jan Steen wrote:Those Women's Marches going on today are another dumb PR move that only works to Trump's advantage, another symptom of the disease called Identity Politics. As if only women have grounds to dislike Trump. Great way to alienate half the population.
I thought 54% of the women who voted, did so for Trumpo.
Something like 42% of women voted Trump. Over half of white women voted Trump. Half the women in America are pro-life and they were not invited to march today. Most of the people are protesting because Trump said he grabbed pussy. They really don't have much except rage. Fun to watch however.

We are witnessing a "tea party" like revolt of progressive and minority women. The Dems are fracturing. Of course, they represent about half the women in America... but who cares about that.

It is fun to watch all the protests in countries other than the US. Trump says "America first" and all the other countries of the world protest... haha. Yeah guys.... time for you to fund your own defense for a change.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:27 am
by Service Dog
This Leslie Jones lookalike in a Fred Flintstone outfit caught my eye... and my vote for Peak SJW of the Women's March livestream.

A moment earlier s/he was holding a sign which said "BLACK-TRANS UNDOCUMENTED INCARCERATED DISABLED SEX WORKERS"

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:46 am
by Sulman
AndrewV69 wrote:LMAO:
Why would you wear a symbol of bondage, what is wrong with these fucking morons?

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:49 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny
Sunder wrote:Jerry's still perpetuating the "white house website purged of civil rights and climate change issues" myth.
He probably means it was eliminated from the "priorities" page, which is true.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:06 pm
by Brive1987
PZ woe is me post is worth an archive. ... more-33373

He desperate plea for someone to do the revolution thing on his behalf is a wonder.
That’s depressing. History is not going to remember me, but I managed to live through a terrible period that will be remembered, unpleasantly. It would be nice to go out on a note of optimism, but that’s probably not going to happen.

Unless y’all get cracking on that revolution, that is.
He seriously wants America to burn with the overthrow of the rule of law.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:10 pm
by Billie from Ockham
Man, I've been missing this place. Brilliant!

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:10 pm
by CommanderTuvok
Kirbmarc wrote:Yes, I'm grading cunts. :ugeek:
Where does PZ Myers wank rank on that list?

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:10 pm
by Wild Zontargs
Sulman wrote:
AndrewV69 wrote:LMAO:
Why would you wear a symbol of bondage, what is wrong with these fucking morons?
They confused "fiction" and "handbook" again:
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:14 pm
by CommanderTuvok
Brive1987 wrote:PZ woe is me post is worth an archive. ... more-33373

He desperate plea for someone to do the revolution thing on his behalf is a wonder.
That’s depressing. History is not going to remember me, but I managed to live through a terrible period that will be remembered, unpleasantly. It would be nice to go out on a note of optimism, but that’s probably not going to happen.

Unless y’all get cracking on that revolution, that is.
He seriously wants America to burn with the overthrow of the rule of law.
Is anybody here that surprised well-off, comfy pinkos are encouraging "civil disobedience", while they are miles away in their air-conditioned large homes? I'm not.

Oh, and many of these armchair warriors went quiet, or criticised, those Iranians who rose up 4-5 years in the Green Revolution. Those sistas should know their place, was the attitude from some Western SJWs.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:15 pm
by MarcusAu
I'm starting to think that AndrewV69 might be a Campbell.

You have all been warned.

Also - there is a classic 1964 documentary (well, docu-drama I suppose - cameras not having been invented in 1746) about the battle of Culloden available for free on Youtube:


Also as I recall - the Act of Union between England and Scotland happened earlier (1707) which was due in part to the failure of Scotland's scheme to set up a colony in Panama. After that the writing was on the wall.

(Trump's mother was Scottish - so this must still be on topic).

And to Kirbmarc - Trump may have done a lot of things in his time - but I don't think he bunga-ed any bungas.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:28 pm
by Billie from Ockham
Jan Steen wrote:I just had a look at Carrier's site to see if any lulz were to be had. Well, there are a few. He announces that he is going to give a talk for a chapter of the Society of Biblical Literature. But, as you can imagine, that doesn't sound impressive enough for the good doctor. Since this club hired a venue at Notre Dame University, Dr. Carrier PhD titles his blog post Speaking on Josephus in Notre Dame, as if this were some kind of official University event. Also, he's not merely giving a talk, no, he "will be delivering a paper"! (Where will Dicky publish this 'paper', one wonders.)
To be fair, it's standard to refer to talks at academic conferences as "giving a paper," even when there will be no published paper. All of your other criticism seem on-target. Also worth noting is that Notre Dame is in South Bend, not Notre Dame.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:31 pm
by Billie from Ockham
John D wrote:
Za-zen wrote:Calling it now Elizabeth warren is the next D candidate and the first female US president
Good call. Warren is in the driver's seat for what will be the "Tea Party" of the Left.
Problem: she doesn't have any money and the people who bank-roll the Ds don't like her.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:39 pm
by rayshul
I'd love to know the numbers of people sitting home watching these marchers and protesters and thinking... ooooooh shit

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:47 pm
by Eskarina
MarcusAu wrote:I'm starting to think that AndrewV69 might be a Campbell.

You have all been warned.

Also - there is a classic 1964 documentary (well, docu-drama I suppose - cameras not having been invented in 1746) about the battle of Culloden available for free on Youtube:


Also as I recall - the Act of Union between England and Scotland happened earlier (1707) which was due in part to the failure of Scotland's scheme to set up a colony in Panama. After that the writing was on the wall.

(Trump's mother was Scottish - so this must still be on topic).

And to Kirbmarc - Trump may have done a lot of things in his time - but I don't think he bunga-ed any bungas.
Don't forget that Trump is half German. You know what we are capable of. :twatson:

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:48 pm
by fuzzy
All those pussyhats on display in DC are fake. REAL pussyhats have spent time in a real pussy:

[youtube] ... 86419.html[/youtube]

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:49 pm
by fuzzy

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:51 pm
by fuzzy

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:54 pm
by CaptainFluffyBunny
Billie from Ockham wrote:
Man, I've been missing this place. Brilliant!
Where were you? So many unpunned puns...

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:09 pm
by katamari Damassi
Jan Steen wrote:Those Women's Marches going on today are another dumb PR move that only works to Trump's advantage, another symptom of the disease called Identity Politics. As if only women have grounds to dislike Trump. Great way to alienate half the population.
I disagree. Women have specific concerns about the new administration; especially where reproductive rights are concerned. I ha some friends in Ohio protesting for Planned Planned Parenthood yesterday.

Making it an all inclusive anti-Trump march just looks like whining.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:20 pm
by Parody Accountant
Which one of you protesters was this

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:36 pm
by Service Dog
Parody Accountant wrote:Which one of you protesters was this

Ms. Flint Michigan Tapwater Lean-In Teamleader

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:48 pm
by free thoughtpolice
Billie from Ockham wrote:
John D wrote:
Za-zen wrote:Calling it now Elizabeth warren is the next D candidate and the first female US president
Good call. Warren is in the driver's seat for what will be the "Tea Party" of the Left.
Problem: she doesn't have any money and the people who bank-roll the Ds don't like her.
Oprah Winfrey. She will win by promising everyone a car.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:15 pm
by Easy J
I wonder if working folks come home to see this shit on TV & think "what sort of people have time to do this sort of thing"? I know I do. A lot of normal people could only dream of a level of privilege that would allow them to spend days participating in a public temper tantrum. Not only do they not have the time due to a full time job, but can't justify spending disposable income on something like that. It looks like an indulgence.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:18 pm
by Malky
Peez is feeling his mortality: from the link

I had a terrible thought yesterday. I was born during the Eisenhower administration, but I don’t remember it; I do recall Kennedy and the 60s, and Nixon, and the march through ever worsening presidents. Now we have Trump, and I realized that, at my age, he could be my last president, ... tolerable/

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:24 pm
by Sunder
Billie from Ockham wrote:
John D wrote:
Za-zen wrote:Calling it now Elizabeth warren is the next D candidate and the first female US president
Good call. Warren is in the driver's seat for what will be the "Tea Party" of the Left.
Problem: she doesn't have any money and the people who bank-roll the Ds don't like her.
The huge spending advantage didn't work in Dems' favor this time.

Granted, Warren would have a much harder time convincing the press to give her 24/7 free publicity.

Still, point being, I don't think anyone need outspend Trump in order to beat him, especially 3-4 years down the line if he's failed to deliver on many of his promises, as I suspect his popularity has peaked at this point and it's not exactly a high peak. But they absolutely can't do it running a campaign like Clinton's. They need to offer the liberal alternative plans for dealing with issues that voters care about, not just tell them they're stupid and selfish for caring about those things and ask for their vote anyway.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:26 pm
by screwtape
MarcusAu wrote:I'm starting to think that AndrewV69 might be a Campbell.

You have all been warned.
Oh, dear. Half my ancestors were MacGregors. I may have to massacre him.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:33 pm
by Service Dog
Why cant anyone slightly-left... ny times, facebook users, anyone at the Women's March podium... express a critique of Trump or his supporters... without lathering it in snarky bile... which convinces me we're better-off with Trump/ than if the critic were in charge?

Imagine calling 911 to report a serious atrocity in progress. Should the caller say "a typical entitled manbaby must be taking the day off from beating his wife (and by the way he probably masturbates with a handgun up his ass) because I'm literally watching him drive his car on the park grass at high-speed toward the playground."

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:37 pm
by Sunder
Malky wrote:Peez is feeling his mortality: from the link

I had a terrible thought yesterday. I was born during the Eisenhower administration, but I don’t remember it; I do recall Kennedy and the 60s, and Nixon, and the march through ever worsening presidents. Now we have Trump, and I realized that, at my age, he could be my last president, ... tolerable/
Peez is <60. Average US life expectancy is high 70s. Peezy's state even has the highest average male life expectancy in the nation (second highest for women).

No, what he means to say is that at his current appalling level of health, Trump might be his last President. Doubly so if he spends every day of it in an apoplectic fit and doesn't watch his blood pressure.

Peez lives a comfortable life and only failure to take care of himself can be blamed for his present condition. He's hardly a coal miner.

Re: The Refuge of the Toads

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:39 pm
by Kirbmarc
MarcusAu wrote:And to Kirbmarc - Trump may have done a lot of things in his time - but I don't think he bunga-ed any bungas.
Well he grabbed them by the pussy. Different hole.