There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by DaveDodo007 »

Kirbmarc wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:27 am
If someone wants to know HOW we've come to this situation, I recommend "Guns, Germs and Steel".

Basically the theory, in very broad-brush terms, goes this way:

Humans left Africa and first spread to the Middle East, Europe, the Indian Subcontient, and Northern Asia, where they co-existed with the animals which lived in the Middle East, and they weren't able to hunt them to extinction, since they hadn't already developed sophisticated hunting techniques. However they didn't co-exist long enough for the animals to develop efficient defenses against them, like they did in Africa. In the Americas and Oceania humans arrived far later, when we were already sophisticated hunters.

As a result we humans wiped out the mega-fauna in Oceania and the Americas, while the African mega-fauna was incredibly hostile and hard to tame, let alone domesticate.

So humans who lived in the Middle East, Mediterranean Europe, the Indian Sub-continent and China were able to domesticate lots of useful animals (horses, cows, pigs, chicken, dogs, sheep, goats, etc.) which gave them big advantages to create more advanced civilizations. In the Americas the only animals which were sophisticated where the llamas: useful, but not enough to develop as quickly (still, the pre-Colombian civilizations were pretty impressive, considering how isolated they were and how little they had in terms of beasts of burden or sources of proteins).

Anyway to make a long story short advanced agricultural-pastoral civilizations developed in the Old World, especially in the Middle East, Mediterranean Europe, Egypt, China, Japan, Korea and India. Eventually climate change (the "Middle Ages optimum") made many areas in the "fertile crescent" less productive, while it made north-western European areas far more productive. The Middle East civilizations still thrived until the already competitive and dynamic North-Western European countries had the luck to discover a route to the Americas and their resources.

North-Western European countries, especially those which controlled North America, where a lot of the natives had been wiped out by European diseases and settlement was easier, became very rich and powerful, with the United Kingdom in particular becoming the first global superpower and settling the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, while the Dutch settled South Africa. After several scientific and technological developments made it possible, more or less ALL big European powers carved out their colonies from Asia and Africa.

Meanwhile Japan, which had been an isolated country for centuries, eventually was forced to open its markets, but managed to remain autonomous, and even created its own colonial empire. Colonies were used for resources and cheap labor, and the colonial powers actively encouraged sectarian divisions ("Divide et Impera" is an old strategy to control your subjects), along with not caring about famines and other disasters, treating the colonial subjects as basically slaves, and in general acting in their own self-interest (like ALL empires, from the Roman empire to the Ottoman to the Aztecs, only with a global reach).

After WWI and WWII, when the European colonial empires exhausted themselves, de-colonization followed, but it was a chaotic, often violent process, which left the former colonies politically and socially unstable, targeted by neo-colonial interference and by multinational corporations looking for cheap labor and cheap resources, and more often than not poor.

The countries which have managed to be relatively more stable and with solid institutions are now experiencing growth and success, the countries which are plagued by violence, political and social instability, and conflicts over resources are also poor and in need of constant aid, to say nothing of their low levels of human development.

There's no need to assume big IQ differences, or "western supremacy". It's just a matter of geography and history, along with modern economics.
Yawn, lefty/liberal apologetics. Africans couldn't domesticate animals and plants because they're wild, lol. Around 60,000 years to themselves and no calendar, wheel, written language, metallurgy or a fucking fishing net. I could find loads of pictures of people riding and using zebras for pulling carts but I found lefty/liberals don't like facts and evidence if it goes against their narrative. Funny how Zimbabwe starved when they kicked out the white farmers.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by DaveDodo007 »

Brive1987 wrote:
KiwiInOz wrote:
Kirbmarc wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:39 am
By the way, the map comes from this article published by The Economist.

The article is behind a paywall, but there's this interesting paragraph:
Perhaps surprisingly, many recipients are themselves hopping on the benevolence bandwagon, usually Luxembourg style. In 2014, Turkey dished out aid to more countries than Britain did; Thailand was ahead of Canada. Data on the largesse of developing countries, however, are often lacking (and therefore missing from our chart). Brazil, India, Indonesia and Mexico—which received aid from more than 20 countries each—are among the many recipient countries that also send aid abroad, according to the OECD. In all likelihood, China would appear near the top of the ranking of donors: in 2010-12 it gave to a whopping 121 countries, according to official sources.
The plot thickens.
I suggest the hypothesis that foreign aid is often not about providing aid, rather it is an entry point for the political and corporate interests of the country giving said aid. Similar to the World Bank loans being about indebting recipient countries, making their leaders wealthy, and serving the interests of the corpratocracy of the lending country.

This would suggest there is no single cogent rational motive behind splashing out the dollars.

All opinions may apply.

If anything it is probably holding poorer countries back. Imagine if you are starting a small business or farm and some cunt comes along and gives the stuff you are producing away for free. Any entrepreneurship is still born.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

It’s ANZAC Day tomorrow. So cue the triggered lefty-libs.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by feathers »

Brive1987 wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:04 pm
PZ bewails the stress of being a high powered academic in a leading institution.
Warning: posting may be intermittent, and I may be particularly cranky. I volunteered to chair two search committees at once — we’re trying to find sabbatical replacements, and since I’m a terrible person abandoning my colleagues for a year, I felt obligated to put in one last surge of work to get it done. Unfortunately, it’s all coming down in the last two weeks of class, so I’m a little overwhelmed right now. A little. May break down in tears soon.
Knowing PZ's default mode of operation, I have to wonder what "particularly cranky" is like.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by MarcusAu »

Brive1987 wrote:
And a happy A**AC day to you.

(Though word has it there were more Poms that Antipodeans at Gallipoli).

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by jugheadnaut »

KiwiInOz wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:58 pm
jugheadnaut wrote:
Kirbmarc wrote: If someone wants to know HOW we've come to this situation, I recommend "Guns, Germs and Steel".
snip ... His core assumption that societal development evolves deterministically from environmental and geographical context is unexplored.
What does the research (if any) that does look at environmental and geographic context say?
The big issue with GG&S is that it uses environmental determinism as its grand theory of everything, while proper historical research considers a broad array of factors, including environment, but also including human factors like ideas and culture which are merely esoterica in Diamond's view. An example of a mainstream history textbook that takes a multi-faceted approach that refutes Diamond's contentions is:

Entangled: An Archaeology of the Relationships between Humans and Things

Posts about GG&S are common enough on the r/history subreddit that the mods developed an automated critique post in response, which you can find here.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by MarcusAu »

I was going to read something by Kipling - but I then heard that a relatively high proportion of his work could be classified as "Just So Stories".

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Kirbmarc »

jugheadnaut wrote:
KiwiInOz wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:58 pm
jugheadnaut wrote:
Kirbmarc wrote: If someone wants to know HOW we've come to this situation, I recommend "Guns, Germs and Steel".
snip ... His core assumption that societal development evolves deterministically from environmental and geographical context is unexplored.
What does the research (if any) that does look at environmental and geographic context say?
The big issue with GG&S is that it uses environmental determinism as its grand theory of everything, while proper historical research considers a broad array of factors, including environment, but also including human factors like ideas and culture which are merely esoterica in Diamond's view. An example of a mainstream history textbook that takes a multi-faceted approach that refutes Diamond's contentions is:

Entangled: An Archaeology of the Relationships between Humans and Things

Posts about GG&S are common enough on the r/history subreddit that the mods developed an automated critique post in response, which you can find here.
The Jim Blaut critique is bullshit, though. He heavily straw-mans Diamond, and sometimes he plainly lies about G,G&S (for example he claims that the book "ignores" the role of sorghum when Diamond actually links the role of sorghum to Bantu expansion). The rest of the critique in the reddit post is a mix of other straw-man (Diamond never claimed that the conquest of the Americas was a straightforward or simple process) and ignores the forest for the trees.

The point isn't that technological superiority ensures certain victory, but that technological, sociological, economic unbalances inevitably conditioned the process of colonialism. Diamond isn't interested in compiling an account of exactly how colonization unfolded, but to explain why it happened in one direction and not in the other, why European powers were the colonizers instead of the Aztecs or of the Bantu.

G,G&S has its limits, and new research has shown that some of Diamond's assumptions were wrong. The main core of his thesis, though, is intriguing, at least in broad-bursh terms, and far too many refuse to analyze long-term historic trends to focus only on specific instances. Also the reddit criticism seems to be at least in part ideologically motivated:
The construction of the arguments for GG&S paints Native Americans specifically, and the colonized world in general, as categorically inferior.

To believe the narrative you need to view Native Americans as fundamentally naive, unable to understand Spanish motivations and desires, unable react to new weapons/military tactics, unwilling to accommodate to a changing political landscape, incapable of mounting resistance once conquered, too stupid to invent the key technological advances used against them, and doomed to die because they failed to build cities, domesticate animals and thereby acquire infectious organisms. When viewed through this lens, we hope you can see why so many historians and anthropologists are livid that a popular writer is perpetuating a false interpretation of history while minimizing the agency of entire continents full of people.
This is the typical SocJus line of attack, namely that Diamond is "Eurocentric" and undercuts the agency and intelligence/inventive power of Amerindians. The book makes it overwhelmingly clear that the problem isn't one of "stupidity" or "naivety", but of social, economic and technological imbalance, which doesn't "minimize agency" at all. It's not "minimizing agency" to point out that the Europeans could produce steel weapons, had different strains of disease which were uncommon in the Americas and had gunpowder and other technological advantages due to a long series of geographic and historic reasons.

Sure as hell G,G&S doesn't say that the Amerindians "failed" to build cities (which is completely untrue) or to domesticate animals (G,G& S points out that there were ONLY FEW animals available for domestication in the Americas, and no equivalent to horses or cows!). That's a gigantic straw-man, which basically turns the premise of the book on its head just to make a cheap point.

Again, this ignores long term trends in favor of specific episodes. It's not that Amerindians didn't have the cunning or the mental skills to react to new tactics, or new political scenarios, or to adopt new weapons efficiently and with great skill. It's that ultimately the situation was so heavily unbalanced that there was no way to cross the gap or reverse the trends. You can't invent gunpowder and gun technology on your own, kickstarting its development in years or even decades. You can't acquire the technology to forge steel in a matter of years or decades, either. And surely you can't auto-immunize yourself to diseases just by sheer force of will and cognitive ability.

Far from "minimizing the agency" of Amerindian people, G,G&S makes their successful rebellions or resistance efforts all the more noteworthy when one considers the overwhelming imbalance at the start. If there's anything which G,G&S does is undermine the idea of "western superiority", by pointing out how the imbalances weren't due to any inherent superiority, but to being born in the right place.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by piginthecity »

shoutinghorse wrote: Parliament square gets its first 'feminist' statue .. yaaay!!

(no I'd never fucking heard of her either) :think:
That's because in America she's called "Milicent Tap".

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Kirbmarc »

The biggest mistake that most lines of criticism AND a lot of fanboys to G,G&S make is to assume that it's intended to be some omni-comprehensive Theory of Everything, which explains in detail ALL events in history, instead of being the framework of an answer to the question of why did European powers become the biggest and most successful colonial powers. It's not a deterministic view, but a look at what made it more likely for some events to happen than for others.

Diamond himself addresses this misconception several times in the book, dismissing the idea that European powers were "destined" to win by the Forces of History, or that non-European civilizations were "doomed" to be colonized. He does this, for example, when he points out that there was no way of telling which continent was going to produce the most successful civilizations before certain changes happened, and that those changes are themselves more likely in certain areas than in others, but not "destined" to happen anywhere.

Also the matter of "agency" is related to an approach of history as being shaped by the ideas and inventions of geniuses and "great men", or by human initiative and inventions, which is highly flawed since it lacks an important piece of the puzzle, namely that inventions and changes never happen in a vacuum, but always within a social, economical, cultural, geographical context. You can be a genius strategist, but you still need to feed your troops. You can react to new tactics with surprising, very efficient lateral thinking and innovations, but you can't bridge a technological gap without having the means to do so. You can be a cunning power-player, but you can't spread news more quickly, or collect them more thoroughly, than the state of your communication tools allow you to.

In the long run and in broad strokes the actions of the Great Historical Figures matter much less than the economic, sociological, cultural, geographical, biological conditions that allowed them to be at the right place at the right time.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by feathers »

piginthecity wrote:
Tue Apr 24, 2018 4:22 am
[Millicent Fawcett snip]

That's because in America she's called "Milicent Tap".
Why, they also had a Farrah Faucet.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by shoutinghorse »

MarcusAu wrote:
Brive1987 wrote:
And a happy A**AC day to you.

(Though word has it there were more Poms that Antipodeans at Gallipoli).
The Gallipoli campaign or the Dardanelles campaign was one of the biggest fuck ups of WWI which was a war full of fuck ups. A casualty rate of over half a million men, it was insanity. One of the lesser known stories is of the men from the Kings Sandringham estate who were attached to the Norfork regiment, they went down in folk law as the 'Vanished Battalion' As the battle began they were seen disappearing into a sudden mist and never seen again.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

shoutinghorse wrote:
MarcusAu wrote:
Brive1987 wrote:
And a happy A**AC day to you.

(Though word has it there were more Poms that Antipodeans at Gallipoli).
The Gallipoli campaign or the Dardanelles campaign was one of the biggest fuck ups of WWI which was a war full of fuck ups. A casualty rate of over half a million men, it was insanity. One of the lesser known stories is of the men from the Kings Sandringham estate who were attached to the Norfork regiment, they went down in folk law as the 'Vanished Battalion' As the battle began they were seen disappearing into a sudden mist and never seen again.

The Landings on April 25 saw the 1st Australian Division and the smaller NZ&A Division land at Anzac Cove while the British 29th Division landed at Helles. The poor kiddies in the Royal Naval Division reinforced ANZAC that night.

The French also had a Division.

So I wouldn’t call a significant UK majority until August when another 8 British Divisions joined a second Australian one plus some Light Horse to achieve more fuck all.

Here is good article on the Norfolks. It probably wasn’t aliens. :lol: ... rue-Story/

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

shoutinghorse wrote: Parliament square gets its first 'feminist' statue .. yaaay!!

(no I'd never fucking heard of her either) :think:
I'd be inspired by her morning jog, too.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

Kirbmarc wrote:
jugheadnaut wrote:
The construction of the arguments for GG&S paints Native Americans specifically, and the colonized world in general, as categorically inferior.

To believe the narrative you need to view Native Americans as fundamentally naive, unable to understand Spanish motivations and desires, unable react to new weapons/military tactics, unwilling to accommodate to a changing political landscape, incapable of mounting resistance once conquered, too stupid to invent the key technological advances used against them, and doomed to die because they failed to build cities, domesticate animals and thereby acquire infectious organisms. When viewed through this lens, we hope you can see why so many historians and anthropologists are livid that a popular writer is perpetuating a false interpretation of history while minimizing the agency of entire continents full of people.
This is the typical SocJus line of attack, namely that Diamond is "Eurocentric" and undercuts the agency and intelligence/inventive power of Amerindians. The book makes it overwhelmingly clear that the problem isn't one of "stupidity" or "naivety", but of social, economic and technological imbalance, which doesn't "minimize agency" at all. It's not "minimizing agency" to point out that the Europeans could produce steel weapons, had different strains of disease which were uncommon in the Americas and had gunpowder and other technological advantages due to a long series of geographic and historic reasons.

Sure as hell G,G&S doesn't say that the Amerindians "failed" to build cities (which is completely untrue) or to domesticate animals (G,G& S points out that there were ONLY FEW animals available for domestication in the Americas, and no equivalent to horses or cows!). That's a gigantic straw-man, which basically turns the premise of the book on its head just to make a cheap point.
That's one of the most egregious strawman's I've seen in a long time, and I hang out at Patheos. Indeed, it completely inverts Diamond's leitmotif. Plus, it's dripping with SocJus loathing for 'colonialism'.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

jugheadnaut wrote: An example of a mainstream history textbook that takes a multi-faceted approach that refutes Diamond's contentions is:

Entangled: An Archaeology of the Relationships between Humans and Things
One: that's not History; it's pseudo-archaeology written by an anthropologist.

Two: it's not 'mainstream'. Looked up Hodder, and he's an iconoclast, a neo-marxist who rejects the 'scientism' of orthodox archaeology in favor of "subjective" interpretations of artifacts & sites.

So fuck that shit.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Kirbmarc »

Kirbmarc wrote: The biggest mistake that most lines of criticism AND a lot of fanboys to G,G&S make is to assume that it's intended to be some omni-comprehensive Theory of Everything, which explains in detail ALL events in history, instead of being the framework of an answer to the question of why did European powers become the biggest and most successful colonial powers. It's not a deterministic view, but a look at what made it more likely for some events to happen than for others.

Diamond himself addresses this misconception several times in the book, dismissing the idea that European powers were "destined" to win by the Forces of History, or that non-European civilizations were "doomed" to be colonized. He does this, for example, when he points out that there was no way of telling which continent was going to produce the most successful civilizations before certain changes happened, and that those changes are themselves more likely in certain areas than in others, but not "destined" to happen anywhere.

Also the matter of "agency" is related to an approach of history as being shaped by the ideas and inventions of geniuses and "great men", or by human initiative and inventions, which is highly flawed since it lacks an important piece of the puzzle, namely that inventions and changes never happen in a vacuum, but always within a social, economical, cultural, geographical context. You can be a genius strategist, but you still need to feed your troops. You can react to new tactics with surprising, very efficient lateral thinking and innovations, but you can't bridge a technological gap without having the means to do so. You can be a cunning power-player, but you can't spread news more quickly, or collect them more thoroughly, than the state of your communication tools allow you to.

In the long run and in broad strokes the actions of the Great Historical Figures matter much less than the economic, sociological, cultural, geographical, biological conditions that allowed them to be at the right place at the right time.
Let me make an analogy. If I want to explain why the Allies won World War Two, pointing out the huge disparity in terms of industrial production between the Allies side and the Axis side is a good framework to tease out studies on the effects of logistics on warfare. Does this mean that the Allies were "destined" to win and the Axies "doomed" to lose? Of course not. Do the logistical issue explain the outcome of EACH and EVERY battle in WWII? Again, of course not.

But sure as hell it's not "denying the Nazis and other Axis powers agency" to suggest that the gaps in terms of production and logistics were crucial to the outcome of the war. Nobody would be accused of romanticizing the Nazis by pointing out that once the US joined the Allies the odds had turned against them. Nobody would be accused of "denying the Soviet agency" by pointing out that US convoys were vital to their survival. Now, the last sentence might be arguable, but sure as hell it's not deemed "offensive" by historians.

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

Brive1987 wrote: It’s ANZAC Day tomorrow. So cue the triggered lefty-libs.

Deep down, the regressive leftists of the "creative class" recognize that they're essentially societal parasites, which is why they react so violently to examples of folks actually committing to hard work, a work ethic, dedication, or personal sacrifice.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by ConcentratedH2O, OM »

Was it franc or Vacula who scared the baboons shitless with their "threat" to reverse pickpocket an innocuous object into someone's pocket at a conference?

Well hold the presses, because Meyers seems to me to have made a terroristic threat to distribute a noxious substance outside his local polling station.

I await his arrest with baited breath.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by shoutinghorse »

Brive1987 wrote: Here is good article on the Norfolks. It probably wasn’t aliens. :lol: ... rue-Story/
The BBC did a decent dramatisation of it back in 1999 Starring David Jason & Maggie Smith. That was when the BBC used to make good drama of course and not the insipid PC twaddle they put on nowadays.
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Ape+lust »

ConcentratedH2O, OM wrote: Stephanie Zvanderful.
Magnificent Meyers.
And Greta the Great, of course.
Zvan in stretch tights, holy shit. That would be a cameltoe that could stop time :shock: :lol:

We should air-drop her over Syria. The conflict would end when everyone's afraid to go outside with their eyes open.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Lsuoma »

MarcusAu wrote:
shoutinghorse wrote: Parliament square gets its first 'feminist' statue .. yaaay!!

<no tweet>

(no I'd never fucking heard of her either) :think:
I think there is a blue plaque for her somewhere - possibly near Bloomsbury Square, or round the back of the British Museum. Or I may be conflating her with Lady Ottoline Morrel.

There are also plenty of statues of women that were (or could be) associated with the feminist movement - Edith Cavell near Trafalgar Square, and one of the Pankhurst set in Tower Gardens. There is also plaque (or is it a bust?) to one of the first women surgeons on the corner of (I think) Russell Square. Not to mention the statue to Boudicca near the river at Westminster Bridge that at least one American tourist has mistaken for Margaret Thatcher (or so the story goes).

So no shortage of plaques, statues and other commemorative displays.

I rather like all the statues myself for giving a sense of history (I spotted a plaque dedicated to the pack animals of Covent Garden the other day) - but this latest media hype seems to overplay things so much that it will almost certainly generate pushback.
I love the Cavell one - Germans shoot British spy. Brits go on a hypocritical crying jag.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Lsuoma »

MarcusAu wrote:
shoutinghorse wrote: Parliament square gets its first 'feminist' statue .. yaaay!!

<no tweet>

(no I'd never fucking heard of her either) :think:
I think there is a blue plaque for her somewhere - possibly near Bloomsbury Square, or round the back of the British Museum. Or I may be conflating her with Lady Ottoline Morrel.

There are also plenty of statues of women that were (or could be) associated with the feminist movement - Edith Cavell near Trafalgar Square, and one of the Pankhurst set in Tower Gardens. There is also plaque (or is it a bust?) to one of the first women surgeons on the corner of (I think) Russell Square. Not to mention the statue to Boudicca near the river at Westminster Bridge that at least one American tourist has mistaken for Margaret Thatcher (or so the story goes).

So no shortage of plaques, statues and other commemorative displays.

I rather like all the statues myself for giving a sense of history (I spotted a plaque dedicated to the pack animals of Covent Garden the other day) - but this latest media hype seems to overplay things so much that it will almost certainly generate pushback.
I love the Cavell one - Germans shoot British spy. Brits go on a hypocritical crying jag.

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

I read that last word as "erection" and thought -- dude, if you're trying to stimulate the Trophy Wife, slap a french tickler on your polling place.

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

shoutinghorse wrote: The BBC did a decent dramatisation of it back in 1999 Starring David Jason & Maggie Smith. That was when the BBC used to make good drama of course and not the insipid PC twaddle they put on nowadays.
How 'bout a reboot with Idris Elba as the general?

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by BoxNDox »

InfraRedBucket wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:01 pm
WH Auden, who David Hockney did quite a few portrait line drawings of in the 70s, was among other things, notable for his er...craggy looks.
One of Hockney's dealers once said, "If his face looks like that, just imagine what his balls must look like"

Craggy looks would be small price to pay for being able to write as well as WH Auden.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by shoutinghorse »

Britain joins the "Get fucked up the arse by Islam" race and is now a genuine contender, joining front runners Sweden along with Germany and France to see who can force the biggest sharia cock on their people. :doh:
Prime Minister Theresa May described “Islamophobia” as a form or “extremism” comparable to Islamist terrorism. ... efinition/

ConcentratedH2O, OM
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by ConcentratedH2O, OM »

shoutinghorse wrote:
Brive1987 wrote: Here is good article on the Norfolks. It probably wasn’t aliens. :lol: ... rue-Story/
The BBC did a decent dramatisation of it back in 1999 Starring David Jason & Maggie Smith. That was when the BBC used to make good drama of course and not the insipid PC twaddle they put on nowadays.
Brive, please don't question shoutinghorse's fantasies about heroic British Tommies charging valiantly into the mists of Ypres. Let him sit cradling his matchstick model of the Golden Hind while watching a loop of the final scene from Blackadder Goes Forth and we'll all be happy.

free thoughtpolice
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by free thoughtpolice »

So it looks like terrorism had nothing to do with the Toronto van of death thing. Evidence is pointing to toxic masculinity and a culture of male entitlement, mixed with MRA/ gamergate.
The suspect admired Elliot Rodger and was an incel (involuntary celibate), apparently viewing his victims as Stacys and Chads ( women who spurned him and men that were scoring while he wasn't).
He also played video games, apparently ignoring the advice of fellow person of Armenian extraction that came from Toronto the Good, Anita Sarkeesian. It all points to a trend of masculinist terrorism with the Marc Lepines and Elliot Rodgers becoming all too common.
It looks like this disturbing trend should be addressed, possibly by making gender studies mandatory in early education and expanding ace/aro activism to give a healthy outlet for binary testoaggression. :ugeek:

free thoughtpolice
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by free thoughtpolice »

Or it could be that Taylor Swift harassed him into doing it.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by jugheadnaut »

Ape+lust wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:34 pm
free thoughtpolice wrote: Torontonians have a habit of being self righteous arrogant fucks that think they are super progressive and morally superior to other places. They used to label themselves Toronto the good". They talk like they're the center of the universe. Even the business leaders make statements like they generate 98% of the wealth in Canada.
The rest of Canada takes turn laughing at them and giving them the finger.
Toronto the good?

Do they all wear capes? Jeezus, that's insufferable :lol:
"Toronto the Good" is a historical nickname alluding to Victorian era prudishness that persisted here. While completely gone now, it had threads that persisted well into the 20th century, like no beer sales at sporting events until 1982, and mandatory Sunday store closures until the early '90s. The latter was actually a provincial matter, but one largely driven by Toronto. While its original coinage by a 19th century Toronto mayor was serious, subsequent use was almost always ironical.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

Aneris is arguing on Twitter (with Couch) - that pug man was literally inciting violence by using the words “gas the Jews” as the tigger for his dog to mock Hitler.

Maybe it was Kirb chasing them away :mrgreen: that (allegedly) shifted the Pit right?

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by jugheadnaut »

Kirbmarc wrote: The biggest mistake that most lines of criticism AND a lot of fanboys to G,G&S make is to assume that it's intended to be some omni-comprehensive Theory of Everything, which explains in detail ALL events in history, instead of being the framework of an answer to the question of why did European powers become the biggest and most successful colonial powers. It's not a deterministic view, but a look at what made it more likely for some events to happen than for others.
If so, you are guilty of it, as you originally brought up GG&S as the way to learn how the world wound up with the unequal distribution of wealth and power that it has. In so doing, you chose a source that is lightly regarded, to put it as charitably as possible, by academic historians and anthropologists. There are definitely some interesting ideas in GG&S, and it makes for an entertaining read compared to most books in its genre, but Diamond never really critically engages his own ideas, and he seems to think ideology played a very limited role in societal development, which is contrary to the view of most historians. The history of the hegemony of Eurasia has at least two distinct phases, the first extending from the Bronze Age to the Enlightenment, and then post-Enlightenment to today. The first phase was characterized by slow, persistent (if bumpy) growth. Not so much that it produced fabulously wealthy civilizations, but enough to move well ahead of most of the rest of the world. The main driver for this was continent-wide trade.

Likely the main reason trade was so valued by the Europeans extends back to the Achaemenid Empire, where the idea that other peoples, even of radically different beliefs and cultures, could be viewed as subordinate partners and not mortal enemies was implemented. Before that, the Babylonian and Assyrian empires were almost as genocidally xenophobic as the ancient Incans and Mayans were. This xenophobia persisted in the New World, and trade and exploration was never a major factor there, although it played a minor role. The Greeks and then Romans very much admired this in the Achaemenid Empire and it got passed down into European history. To fit within his thesis, Diamond blithely assigns this dichotomy in the importance of trade to the East-West geographic orientation of the Eurasian trade route vs. the North-South orientation that a New World trade route would have. The notion that it sprung from a better idea from a better civilization is not something he would consider.

While the Incas were able to stay technologically close to par with Europe at the founding of the Incan empire, by post-Columbian times trade driven growth in Europe had pushed it significantly ahead, and, of course, the meeting of the civilizations eventually proved disastrous for the Incas and Aztecs for reasons to do more with disease than technology.

The second phase of European hegemony was where the real separation that is observed today occurred. After a couple millennia of sub 1% growth, the Industrial Revolution heralded a huge explosion in growth. I think it's hard to argue that this wasn't the result of Enlightenment ideas such as scientific rationalism, free enterprise, free trade, individual rights and rule of law taking root. I haven't read GG&S in over 10 years, so can't be sure, but is this even mentioned as a factor in the current global wealth distribution? If so, how does Diamond rationalize it? Again, the idea of Western hegemony being due to better ideas from better civilizations is entirely what he's trying to disprove.
Kirbmarc wrote: In the long run and in broad strokes the actions of the Great Historical Figures matter much less than the economic, sociological, cultural, geographical, biological conditions that allowed them to be at the right place at the right time.
I'd agree that environmental factors allowed Eurasian civilization to be at the right place at the right time, and this is crucial, with the right ideas. If there was an ancient Mayan equivalent to Cyrus the Great, historians could very well be presently be pondering the reasons for Mayan hegemony. Or perhaps not. The course of history has many, many drivers and semi-random meanders, and I don't like the politically correct focusing on one.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

Here is a winning strategy.
Overseas migration is driving almost all of the record population growth in Sydney with more than 100,000 people moving into the city in 2017.

Most of these new residents are settled in so-called "ethnic hubs" but their journeys spread out from there, new data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals.

Sydney University professor of urban and environmental geography Phil McManus said most recent population growth concentrated in Sydney and added pressure to reuse industrial or under-utilised land, but these options were limited
Overseas migration added 84,700 people to Sydney's population in 2017 but, unlike Melbourne, more people left Sydney than moved in, with a net loss of 18,100 people. Most left Sydney for other parts of the state (40,000 people) and 14,400 deserted the Harbour City to go to Melbourne.
Mr Piracha said. "And at the same time, what we could also be seeing [in this data] is a bit of white flight going on, which is where people see too many immigrants, or the density is getting too high, and they decide to leave."

The largest movements of people out of suburbs were in the eastern suburbs areas of Kingsford and Kensington (877 and 606 respectively) and in the south west around Lakemba (743), Campsie (642) and Auburn (626). These places saw large numbers of migrants move in - Kingsford and Kensington welcomed 1207 and 1094 people respectively in 2017. And 2720 new overseas migrants moved into Lakemba, Campsie, and Auburn last year.
As always the benefits of multiculti comes down to food:
Concerns about high immigration putting pressure on roads or jobs and ethnic hubs preventing social cohesion are "a problem of perception", Mr Piracha said. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"These ethnic hubs, for example in Cabramatta, can be tourist hotspots or places to go for good food,"
Happy ANZAC Day cobber. ... 4zbcj.html

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by MarcusAu »

You know the new Lost in Space show doesn't look so bad after all...

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

Work week?

She kills me.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

Land of Hope and Glory.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

Something very David Lynch about this. Not altogether unpleasant.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by MarcusAu »

And this seems to be a fitting coda to the whole Dankula trial...

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

I wonder what the fire alarm suppression plan is for take 2?

Hold the event on an oval?


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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by CaptainFluffyBunny »

Brive1987 wrote: Land of Hope and Glory.

I was just gonna post that, it's all over Twitter. All shit-posting aside, I'm really concerned over what seems to be happening in the UK. The government seems to be bending over backwards to look progressive while not-so-slowly becoming a police state. Is there any chance of them coming to their senses?

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by MarcusAu »

This may seem a trifle gauche or even too off-topic even for the off-topic endless thread. There could even be people here that think it's been discussed ad nauseum, to death, world-without-end-amen.

However,, once more with feeling / for old times sake / just for the record, hold on tight - here we go...

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by MarcusAu »

CaptainFluffyBunny wrote: I was just gonna post that, it's all over Twitter. All shit-posting aside, I'm really concerned over what seems to be happening in the UK. The government seems to be bending over backwards to look progressive while not-so-slowly becoming a police state. Is there any chance of them coming to their senses?
I think it's been a long time coming. I've heard said (and it may even be true) that London is one of the most public surveiled cities in the world - and that the trend is spreading to the rest of the UK too.

So from the government's (or local council's) point of view - if you've paid money to set up all the equipment - it would be a waste not to use it to generate income.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by AndrewV69 »

CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:41 pm
Brive1987 wrote: Land of Hope and Glory.

I was just gonna post that, it's all over Twitter. All shit-posting aside, I'm really concerned over what seems to be happening in the UK. The government seems to be bending over backwards to look progressive while not-so-slowly becoming a police state. Is there any chance of them coming to their senses?
I would argue not any time soon. I get the impression that the powers that be are terrified of what is coming and are desperately trying to head it off.

As to what exactly is coming? While I can see several possibilities the bottom line is I dunno. We shall see?

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Brive1987 »

MarcusAu wrote:
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote: I was just gonna post that, it's all over Twitter. All shit-posting aside, I'm really concerned over what seems to be happening in the UK. The government seems to be bending over backwards to look progressive while not-so-slowly becoming a police state. Is there any chance of them coming to their senses?
I think it's been a long time coming. I've heard said (and it may even be true) that London is one of the most public surveiled cities in the world - and that the trend is spreading to the rest of the UK too.

So from the government's (or local council's) point of view - if you've paid money to set up all the equipment - it would be a waste not to use it to generate income.
Policing used to be done by exception - break a rule and see if you got sprung by the system. Now police are moralising and celebrating civic command and control. Moreover, the moralising is increasingly tainted by SJWism. That’s what’s creepy.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Ape+lust »

jugheadnaut wrote: "Toronto the Good" is a historical nickname alluding to Victorian era prudishness that persisted here. While completely gone now, it had threads that persisted well into the 20th century, like no beer sales at sporting events until 1982, and mandatory Sunday store closures until the early '90s. The latter was actually a provincial matter, but one largely driven by Toronto. While its original coinage by a 19th century Toronto mayor was serious, subsequent use was almost always ironical.
Ah, I see. Texans still refer to our home as "the Great State of Texas", though it's said more with whimsy than pride nowadays.

free thoughtpolice
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by free thoughtpolice »

Some intercity rivalry:

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by MarcusAu »

Ape+lust wrote:
jugheadnaut wrote: "Toronto the Good" is a historical nickname alluding to Victorian era prudishness that persisted here. While completely gone now, it had threads that persisted well into the 20th century, like no beer sales at sporting events until 1982, and mandatory Sunday store closures until the early '90s. The latter was actually a provincial matter, but one largely driven by Toronto. While its original coinage by a 19th century Toronto mayor was serious, subsequent use was almost always ironical.
Ah, I see. Texans still refer to our home as "the Great State of Texas", though it's said more with whimsy than pride nowadays.
It's strange to think of the US as not created in one piece in 1776. But obviously it was not - things had to be settled first - and the Louisiana purchase came latter - and Texas gave due deliberation before finally joining up. I think I know where their consulate was in London though. (Well approximately).

Now I've got the plot to 'The Man without a Country' stuck in my head.

katamari Damassi
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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by katamari Damassi »

Kirbmarc wrote:
Tue Apr 24, 2018 4:05 am
jugheadnaut wrote:
KiwiInOz wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:58 pm
jugheadnaut wrote:
Kirbmarc wrote: If someone wants to know HOW we've come to this situation, I recommend "Guns, Germs and Steel".
snip ... His core assumption that societal development evolves deterministically from environmental and geographical context is unexplored.
What does the research (if any) that does look at environmental and geographic context say?
The big issue with GG&S is that it uses environmental determinism as its grand theory of everything, while proper historical research considers a broad array of factors, including environment, but also including human factors like ideas and culture which are merely esoterica in Diamond's view. An example of a mainstream history textbook that takes a multi-faceted approach that refutes Diamond's contentions is:

Entangled: An Archaeology of the Relationships between Humans and Things

Posts about GG&S are common enough on the r/history subreddit that the mods developed an automated critique post in response, which you can find here.
The Jim Blaut critique is bullshit, though. He heavily straw-mans Diamond, and sometimes he plainly lies about G,G&S (for example he claims that the book "ignores" the role of sorghum when Diamond actually links the role of sorghum to Bantu expansion). The rest of the critique in the reddit post is a mix of other straw-man (Diamond never claimed that the conquest of the Americas was a straightforward or simple process) and ignores the forest for the trees.

The point isn't that technological superiority ensures certain victory, but that technological, sociological, economic unbalances inevitably conditioned the process of colonialism. Diamond isn't interested in compiling an account of exactly how colonization unfolded, but to explain why it happened in one direction and not in the other, why European powers were the colonizers instead of the Aztecs or of the Bantu.

G,G&S has its limits, and new research has shown that some of Diamond's assumptions were wrong. The main core of his thesis, though, is intriguing, at least in broad-bursh terms, and far too many refuse to analyze long-term historic trends to focus only on specific instances. Also the reddit criticism seems to be at least in part ideologically motivated:
The construction of the arguments for GG&S paints Native Americans specifically, and the colonized world in general, as categorically inferior.

To believe the narrative you need to view Native Americans as fundamentally naive, unable to understand Spanish motivations and desires, unable react to new weapons/military tactics, unwilling to accommodate to a changing political landscape, incapable of mounting resistance once conquered, too stupid to invent the key technological advances used against them, and doomed to die because they failed to build cities, domesticate animals and thereby acquire infectious organisms. When viewed through this lens, we hope you can see why so many historians and anthropologists are livid that a popular writer is perpetuating a false interpretation of history while minimizing the agency of entire continents full of people.
This is the typical SocJus line of attack, namely that Diamond is "Eurocentric" and undercuts the agency and intelligence/inventive power of Amerindians. The book makes it overwhelmingly clear that the problem isn't one of "stupidity" or "naivety", but of social, economic and technological imbalance, which doesn't "minimize agency" at all. It's not "minimizing agency" to point out that the Europeans could produce steel weapons, had different strains of disease which were uncommon in the Americas and had gunpowder and other technological advantages due to a long series of geographic and historic reasons.

Sure as hell G,G&S doesn't say that the Amerindians "failed" to build cities (which is completely untrue) or to domesticate animals (G,G& S points out that there were ONLY FEW animals available for domestication in the Americas, and no equivalent to horses or cows!). That's a gigantic straw-man, which basically turns the premise of the book on its head just to make a cheap point.

Again, this ignores long term trends in favor of specific episodes. It's not that Amerindians didn't have the cunning or the mental skills to react to new tactics, or new political scenarios, or to adopt new weapons efficiently and with great skill. It's that ultimately the situation was so heavily unbalanced that there was no way to cross the gap or reverse the trends. You can't invent gunpowder and gun technology on your own, kickstarting its development in years or even decades. You can't acquire the technology to forge steel in a matter of years or decades, either. And surely you can't auto-immunize yourself to diseases just by sheer force of will and cognitive ability.

Far from "minimizing the agency" of Amerindian people, G,G&S makes their successful rebellions or resistance efforts all the more noteworthy when one considers the overwhelming imbalance at the start. If there's anything which G,G&S does is undermine the idea of "western superiority", by pointing out how the imbalances weren't due to any inherent superiority, but to being born in the right place.
SOCJUS hates GG&S because they think it makes white people seem less evil. Europeans dominated because they are evil.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by DaveDodo007 »

shoutinghorse wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:04 am
Bhurzum wrote: New slice of pie...
I didn't think this country could produce a more feckless Home Secretary than Jacqui Smith, then came Theresa May and I thought well there can never be anyone worse than her surely. Then we get this useless piece of shit Amber 'jolly hockeysticks' Rudd. :doh:

Waiting in the wings? ..... Diane 'abacus' Abbott. :pray:
Women allowed in politics, was and always will be a mistake.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Lsuoma »

CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
Brive1987 wrote: Land of Hope and Glory.

I was just gonna post that, it's all over Twitter. All shit-posting aside, I'm really concerned over what seems to be happening in the UK. The government seems to be bending over backwards to look progressive while not-so-slowly becoming a police state. Is there any chance of them coming to their senses?

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by DaveDodo007 »

Kirbmarc wrote: Fuck the Afghans and the Congolese, if they were more clever they wouldn't have Belgium or the US or France or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or the Soviet Union fucking over their countries anyway, it's their own fault for living in a shithole country. All a matter of low IQ, unlike the west which is so incredibly smart and put upon. The US and Australia are the real victims here. :violin:
No other country ever went through hard times, invasion, civil war or outside influence, fuck off. You are not even trying now, stick your lefty/liberal apologetic retarded mongness to yourself.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by DaveDodo007 »

Guest_3bc53337 wrote: In the shithole nation vs. IQ argument which is the cause and which is the effect?
I thought that bit would be obvious.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by DaveDodo007 »

Kirbmarc wrote:
Guest_3bc53337 wrote: In the shithole nation vs. IQ argument which is the cause and which is the effect?
Good question. Since most of the "shithole" countries have a long history of diseases, famines, lack of access to clean water, malnutrition, wars, etc. etc., I'd wager that it's the horrible living conditions which are keeping IQ score down. We know that malnutrition in children leads to lower IQ scores:
Previous work has shown that malnutrition has deleterious effects on both IQ and aspects of temperament. It is hypothesized that while malnutrition bears a direct relation to IQ, aspects of temperament are also involved in a mediating role so that they produce indirect associations between malnutrition and IQ. The study examines the association of 3 indices of malnutrition-stunting, anemia and wasting-to Verbal IQ (VIQ) and Performance IQ (PIQ) and temperament in 1,376 3-year-old and 11-year-old children in Mauritius. Two dimensions of temperament were extracted from ratings of behavior and were labeled as Uninhibited (UI) and Task Orientation (TO). At age 3 stunting had direct relations to Verbal IQ and Performance IQ and also indirect relations via the mediating effect of temperament (UI but not TO). In the case of anemia there were no direct relations to VIQ or PIQ but both temperament meditators were involved in indirect relations. For wasting, indirect but not direct relations were observed. When age 11 cognitive performance was examined, there were direct relations to stunting and anemia and indirect relations via UI, but not TO. The relations between malnutrition and IQ were graded and linear showing that it is not only when malnutrition is defined by its severest levels that it has an effect on cognitive performance. It is suggested that malnutrition affects those brain structures and functions that are involved in both cognitive behavior and temperament.
We also know that infectious disease affects IQ scores as well
Before our work, several scientists had offered explanations for the global pattern of IQ. Nigel Barber argued that variation in IQ is due primarily to differences in education. Donald Templer and Hiroko Arikawa argued that colder climates are difficult to live in, such that evolution favors higher IQ in those areas. Satoshi Kanazawa suggested that evolution favors higher IQ in areas that are farther from the evolutionary origin of humans: sub-Saharan Africa. Evolution, the hypothesis goes, equipped us to survive in our ancestral home without thinking about it too hard. As we migrated away, though, the environment became more challenging, requiring the evolution of higher intelligence to survive.

We tested all these ideas. In our 2010 study, we not only found a very strong relationship between levels of infectious disease and IQ, but controlling for the effects of education, national wealth, temperature, and distance from sub-Saharan Africa, infectious disease emerged as the best predictor of the bunch. A recent study by Christopher Hassall and Thomas Sherratt repeated our analysis using more sophisticated statistical methods, and concluded that infectious disease may be the only really important predictor of average national IQ.

Support for this hypothesis comes not only from cross-national studies, but from studies of individuals. There have been many studies, for example, showing that children infected with intestinal worms have lower IQ later in life. Another study by Atheendar Venkataramani found that regions in Mexico that were the target of malaria eradication programs had higher average IQ than those that were not. In practical terms, however, this means that human intelligence is mutable. If differences in IQ across the world are largely due to exposure to infectious disease during childhood, then reducing exposure to disease should increase IQ.
It's likely that both contribute to IQ depression in Sub-Saharan Africa and (to a lesser extent) in the Middle East.
Give it a fucking rest will you. Would you rather live in South Africa or Zimbabwe under white rule or live there now? How you answer this question will show if you are full of shit or not.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by John D »

Brive1987 wrote: Land of Hope and Glory.

Oh my god. The UK is fucked. I got a shitty parking ticket last year when I was parking in a bus zone that was poorly marked in Detroit. I was super pissed that they had a poorly marked parking place and gave me a ticket. I did pay the ticket because I didn't have the time to fight it, but I wrote on the check... "Fuck you assholes... you need to mark the bus stop better". Fucking hell, this would send me to jail in the UK. Youall are fucked.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Bhurzum »

Jesus wept...

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by DaveDodo007 »

shoutinghorse wrote: Britain joins the "Get fucked up the arse by Islam" race and is now a genuine contender, joining front runners Sweden along with Germany and France to see who can force the biggest sharia cock on their people. :doh:
Prime Minister Theresa May described “Islamophobia” as a form or “extremism” comparable to Islamist terrorism. ... efinition/
Never let your 2ndA rights be taken from you Yankees or you will be doomed like us.

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Re: There are 2018 genders... and a bitch ain't one


Post by Slither »

Remember Oberlin College, which had a student protest stating that their dining hall was racist because the sushi wasn't high-enough quality, had student demands that they be paid to organize protests, and had a professor post anti-semitic Facebook rants? Turns out that there is an amazing amount of theft from the college cafe: ... -policies/

I got annoyed, so wrote a comment to this piece. So far they haven't let it past moderation, so I'll put it here. Hope y'all enjoy it!
In one of his Huffington Post articles, this columnist describes Oberlin students as “incredibly thoughtful” and “critical thinkers with a profound reach for idealism and a genuine desire for justice.”

Now we learn that these Oberlin students are thoughtfully stealing so much from DeCafe that it is economical for the college to buy receipt-printing equipment and hire guards to attempt to stem the losses.

When I was a student, my friends and I didn’t know any fellow students who were thieves. Today, Dunbar writes that he and probably many others know habitual robbers. Isn’t this shocking?

Dunbar, after making a rather tortured comparison to New York City’s former stop-and-frisk policy, is against checking receipts, claiming that this would “[criminalize] POC while simultaneously facilitating a culture in which white people are distanced from criminality.” It is not clear whether he thinks that it is a law of nature that any guards employed by Oberlin would be racist against non-whites, or whether he thinks that only non-whites steal. Either possibility is quite problematical.

Although Dunbar states that he “vehemently object(s) to stealing”, he then later takes this back, stating that “stealing BY SOME Obies is a really bratty move” (emphasis added), and that stealing is only harmful “for Obies with the means to make purchases”. Are we to believe that Oberlin students, whose dining hall brags that it only uses ground chuck for its hamburgers, and which offers numerous student jobs, can only save themselves from starving or freezing to death by stealing from DeCafe?

This is extremely insulting to anyone who has ever had any experience or knowledge of poverty. For example, when I was in graduate school one of my housemates was considered by her hometown to be one of their successes. Why? Because she was a professional stripper. You see, by that time half of her former elementary-school classmates were either dead or in jail, whereas she had a reasonably-paid job. My housemate earned more money by creating her own costumes and dances, which she used to pay for a college education in fashion design. She did not steal. It is reprehensible for Oberlin students, who claim to be striving for justice, to excuse themselves for being crooks.

Finally, Dunbar states that stealing “is beginning to put students of color at risk.” This is clearly a reference to the Aladin-et al incident, where three Oberlin students, according to their own confessions, decided to steal wine from a local store. When a store employee caught one of them, the three students physically attacked the employee, who had to receive hospital treatment for his injuries. The violent thieves were found guilty and given a very light sentence: a small fine without jail time. Since the only person “at risk” in this incident was the store employee, one might think that said employee was a non-white student which Dunbar was concerned for. Unfortunately, this is incorrect: the employee was white, and it was the violent criminals who were “students of color”. Why Dunbar is concerned about the welfare of the robbers and not their victim is unclear. Does this reflect the “desire for justice” that Dunbar claimed?

Apparently, the college’s new slogan is “Oberlin students: changing the world one theft at a time.”
