Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by deLurch »

MarcusAu wrote:Well, we've come a long way since dear old Percy Bysshe argued for the necessity of atheism.
Here Jordan Peterson gives the opposing point of view:
Maybe I am naive - but I can't quite get to the point where I think that people need to believe in mythology as more than stories. Or that they need some Karen Armstrong style faith in the transcendent 'ground of all being'.
Fuck the Answer. Whatever. Die.
A bigger bad walked into the room that proves to be a much worse evil. So yes, he is more of an alley because he believes in talking through your disagreements instead of beating, slandering, or getting people fired for disagreement.

If Peterson was the biggest bad around, I think everyone would have an excellent life.

Points of interest from viewing some of Peterson's work.
1. He doesn't go to church.
2. The Simpsons is his church.
3. He really gets into mythology, and he studies Christianity like he does other mythology. That is probably why he gets a heck of a lot more out of it. He really gets into all of the symbolism.
4. He seems to get a tad bit out their in a hippy-dippy way just like Sam Harris reading all sorts of things into the mythology the same way one of us walks into an art museum and starts to narrate our own stories into a painting.
5. One of his main arguments is that our monkey (my-word) brains are not developed for all the complexity of modern day life, and to help navigate our way through we need structure, i.e. religion in order to make sense of it and have fulfilled lives. Even if those religions are not perfect.
6. His argument makes sense if your only other alternative to be a po-mo, feminist, deconstructionist view of the world.
7.Given how far off the rails that feminists and po-mo academics, I am considering the possibility that he might not be wrong when you widen the lens to the societal level.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by deLurch »

8. He is a practicing psychologist with patients, so when he talks about psychopaths, I believe he really knows what he is talking about and is being accurate with his terminology. He also continues conducting research studies with a team of graduate students.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Brive1987 »

Guest_8c1d3edc wrote:
feathers wrote:
shoutinghorse wrote:I've seen her ex Adam on a couple of Tested videos in the past
Umm, only there? Not on, like, television during the past thirteen years?
and he comes across as a fairly decent bloke, what baffles me is how the fuck did he put up with her for six years, she is such a vacuous cunt I'm amazed anyone would continue dating her for more than half a dozen fucks. .. But six years?? :shock:
I suppose he's much too busy so this was a show business "relationship". Did they ever even shack up?
Yes they lived together in Amherst, NY for several years until Watson threw a temper tantrum about not being recognised by CFI for her amazingness with some queen bee position when then-Director Ron Lindsay and others said enough of her antics

mycatsaremygods . com / 2013/06/23/walking-away-from-those-that-are-becoming-that-feminazi-stereotype/ ("Watson and Hensley ending up the helm would be choice" as one facebook comment says about them wantin Ron Lindsay fired )

and she then encouraged Adam to quit his job there. she then got the CFI podcast hosts to take their show to Mother Jones to fuck CFI over further.
skepchick . org /2013/06/ so-much-for-center-for-inquiry/
most of the time she was very high maintenance & getting psych help as her twitter account during the time shows.

soon after moved to Alameda, SF where she got Adam his job with the Mythbusters but did nothing of her own differently -- then not long after some Mythbuster-employed friends got married, they split up and she went on a holiday with an Apple Exc who she is now dating.

His linkedin page--
Producer Inquiring Minds Podcast 2013 – Present (4 years)
Center for Inquiry Media Producer February 2010 – June 2013 (3 years 5 months)

Brieve should have all this already anyway

The POI strike against CFI was definitely RW exercising her dank stale pussy power.

From the POI proclaimation nailed to the usual suspect's blog doors:

[blah blah POI was the greatest, POI was CFI's jewel in the crown, blah blah blah]

Then came the events at that conference—including a widely criticized speech by Center for Inquiry President & CEO Ronald Lindsay. Lindsay then went further, writing a blog post which referred to a post by one of his critics—Rebecca Watson—as follows: “It may be the most intellectually dishonest piece of writing since the last communique issued by North Korea.”

In response to public criticism of Lindsay’s speech and blog post, CFI’s Board of Directors issued an ambiguous statement regretting the controversy, but going no further than that.

These actions have generated much discussion, criticism and polarization within our community. In addition, they created an environment at CFI that made it very difficult for our producer, Adam Isaak, to continue working there. ... ssive.html ... qRsucHS4pg

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by deLurch »

Since we are all apparently turning into Nazis, but none of us are German besides Aneris, I say we nominate Aneris as the Pit Führer. We have to go with the one who has the most knowledge, experience and pure blood in these matters.

Heil Aneris!

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Kirbmarc »

deLurch wrote:Folks,
Since we are all apparently turning into Nazis, but none of us are German besides Aneris, I say we nominate Aneris as the Pit Führer. We have to go with the one who has the most knowledge, experience and pure blood in these matters.

Heil Aneris!
I think that Eskarina is a Kraut, too. /ruining the joke.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by deLurch »

Kirbmarc wrote:I think that Eskarina is a Kraut, too. /ruining the joke.
Don't ruin the joke. We need Aneris' pure Aryan blood!

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

deLurch wrote:8. He is a practicing psychologist with patients, so when he talks about psychopaths, I believe he really knows what he is talking about and is being accurate with his terminology. He also continues conducting research studies with a team of graduate students.
He starts that video off with a quote from Dosdoevsky:

"Without god all things are possible"

Stop me if you've heard that one before.

More power to him in his fight against pomo intellectuals and feminists. And I'm sure that your other points do address concerns some may have with him too.

What can I say - I am uneasy in going along with someone who at some point says we just have to put aside reason and accept the transcendental.

Those are my principles - if you don't like them I have others.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Steersman »

MarcusAu wrote:Well, we've come a long way since dear old Percy Bysshe argued for the necessity of atheism.

Here Jordan Peterson gives the opposing point of view:


Maybe I am naive - but I can't quite get to the point where I think that people need to believe in mythology as more than stories. Or that they need some Karen Armstrong style faith in the transcendent 'ground of all being'.

Fuck the Answer. Whatever. Die.
Quite a good video, one worth a second viewing - though later. :-) But I don't see that Peterson is actually arguing for theism, only that there are elements in that that we might be wise to retain. Sort of a case of not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Somewhat apropos of which, the Canadian atheist Anglican "priestess" Greta Vosper:
It's beyond time for liberal Christianity, whose heritage and responsibility this all is, to act, writes Vosper. "Those who recognize the Bible's claim to be the word of God as the monster in the tub with the baby," are the ones who must throw that monster out with the bathwater. And that means, besides other painful changes, a real, radical look at the words and deeds of the faith's central figure. ....
Maybe a moot point just what that "baby" consists of, but hard to argue there isn't one there. Dawkins in The God Delusion lists some 2 pages (384, 385) of proverbs & parables from the Bible that might well qualify as the "profound psychology and exquisite logic" that American journalist and moralist Philip Wylie argued was the one of the hallmarks of that book. And even if much of it is couched in terms referencing "God Himself", much of that seems more the chaff than the wheat.

But one proverb in particular seems an essential part of Peterson's view: “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). Dawkins is fond of explaining evolution by using the evolution of the eye as a paradigmatic example; he argues that, hundreds of millions of years ago, an eye of one creature that was only 5% as good as a modern version was still better than one, say in a predator, that was only 3% as good. Likewise with the various visions for humanity, for "the immense journey" - as the naturalist Loren Eiseley put it - that we set out upon from the dawn of consciousness. While that of Christianity, particularly the literalist aspects of it, is still badly flawed, I think there's more than a little justification for arguing that it is, at least the non-literalist or metaphorical aspects are, substantially better than that of Islam - which looks seriously twisted - or atheism - which looks rather remarkably and unnecessarily bleak.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by deLurch »

MarcusAu wrote:What can I say - I am uneasy in going along with someone who at some point says we just have to put aside reason and accept the transcendental.
Those are my principles - if you don't like them I have others.
Yeah, it gave me pause at first too. But I am not following him. I am just considering him a worthwhile alley in the whole feminist-deconstructionist fight of insanity.

Some of his stuff is extremely good. Some of his other stuff he goes off into hippy-dippy land just like Sam Harris does. Just because I am not wild about some of his talks, doesn't mean I can't take what I consider of value from him. Just like Sam Harris. With all of Sam Harris's hippy-dippiness, on occasion he really does pull off a good talk with some good points worth considering.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Brive1987 »

HunnyBunny wrote:OK, ok, ok, forget I asked. (I forgot how many times you have to use the secret White Supremcist sign, but 3 seemed about right. I'd ask Creativity but she was disappointed in our Nazi efforts and left.)

Really, meet me round the back of the bikesheds, we can trade Carrier semen fetish screenshots and laugh about the good old FTB days, before we all became facists. I have an incredibly rare Avicenna, I'll trade you for 2 Dicks jizzing on Ophelia.
I'm a nazi too and I have the one-off Ogvorbis dual headed lolly pop card ........

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by paddybrown »

deLurch wrote:Folks,
Since we are all apparently turning into Nazis, but none of us are German besides Aneris, I say we nominate Aneris as the Pit Führer. We have to go with the one who has the most knowledge, experience and pure blood in these matters.

Heil Aneris!
Wasn't Hitler Austrian? Do we have any Austrians?

Anyway. I'm going to weigh in on Antifa, Nazis and so on.

In Northern Ireland in the 1960s, there was a movement for civil rights for Catholics. It protested against police sectarianism, discrimination in jobs and housing, gerrymandering of electoral districts, and the property qualification for the vote in local authority elections. All these things were real issues that needed addressed, but Loyalists insisted that it was all just a front for the IRA, and met civil rights marches with violence. The door to political violence was opened, and we're still living with the consequences.

The anti-SJW movement now has real issues surrounding freedom of speech and attempts to enforce ideological conformity, but the SJWs insist it's all just a front for Nazis. Antifa have opened the door to political violence, and the right is responding in kind. Perhaps you can see why I'm concerned.

What I would say to civil, liberal Antifa-apologists like Aneris. Once the door to political violence is fully opened, politics will be decided not by who has the best argument, but by who is best at violence. Do you really think that's going to be you?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

Interesting points Steersman.

So if for example atheism could be linked to a higher suicide risk (or any other negative effect).

Couldn't a case be made for including creationism (or at least intelligent design) in the science class?

This would have the benefit of countering the nihilistic effects of non-belief and fostering a positive world view in citizens. (And of course even arguing against this policy would in effect be promoting atheism and thus risking the students mental health).

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by piginthecity »

deLurch wrote:Well add the OK hand sign to the list of things that are now signs of white supremism.
SCUBA divers are racist bastards !!

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Keating »

I don't understand Peterson to be saying it is necessary to believe in the Christian God in the same way that Ken Ham or Ray Comfort do. I understand him to be saying that as someone living in the West, it is necessary to understand the Christian stories as the way to behave in society. I think he's quite clear about this, for example, when he discusses Cain and Able. He isn't saying that Cain and Able really existed and really met God. He's saying that the Cain and Able story outlines the proper way to live with regard to sacrifice. It is necessary to freely and gladly surrender things we value in the present (mostly time) for greater rewards in the future. Many of us, particularly if we're from the middle class, don't do this. A good example is that many of us attend university because that is what we think is expected of us, rather than because we've properly examined what our goals in life are and what sacrifices we can make now to best achieve that goal.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by deLurch »

paddybrown wrote:Wasn't Hitler Austrian? Do we have any Austrians?
Don't stand in the way of the rise of the Fifth-of-Bourbon Retch. It'll be a gas.
paddybrown wrote:Antifa have opened the door to political violence, and the right is responding in kind.
This is why we desperately need the police to step in and arrest and punish those enacting violence. A few heads need to be put on pikes like they are doing in DC. Law & order puts and end to this kinds of stupidity. If the cops leave it up to mob-rule-mob-justice we are all fucked.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

deLurch wrote:
... A few heads need to be put on pikes...
Or perhaps sturgeons.

At the very least a halibut.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by paddybrown »

paddybrown wrote:Antifa have opened the door to political violence, and the right is responding in kind.
This is why we desperately need the police to step in and arrest and punish those enacting violence. A few heads need to be put on pikes like they are doing in DC.[/quote]

Indeed. Anyone who preaches violence should be shot like a dog.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Steersman »

MarcusAu wrote:Interesting points Steersman.

So if for example atheism could be linked to a higher suicide risk (or any other negative effect).

Couldn't a case be made for including creationism (or at least intelligent design) in the science class?

This would have the benefit of countering the nihilistic effects of non-belief and fostering a positive world view in citizens. (And of course even arguing against this policy would in effect be promoting atheism and thus risking the students mental health).
Don't think Peterson is at all suggesting that people should be encouraged to believe stuff that is manifestly untrue - like creationism, although intelligent design, of sorts, is an entirely different kettle of fish. ;-)

But think it is more a case, as Keating just suggested, of the moral and psychological truths of various Biblical stories, injunctions, and motivations. Apparently Carl Jung elaborated on the concept with his ideas on archetypes which, I think, have been among the essential elements of many religions - possibly even including Islam in its less dogmatic and literalist manifestations - although there are others of a more philosophical if not scientific nature. But Wiki on archetypes:
The concept of psychological archetypes was advanced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, c. 1919. In Jung's psychological framework, archetypes are innate, universal prototypes for ideas and may be used to interpret observations. A group of memories and interpretations associated with an archetype is a complex ( e.g. a mother complex associated with the mother archetype). Jung treated the archetypes as psychological organs, analogous to physical ones in that both are morphological constructs that arose through evolution.[6] At the same time, it has also been observed that evolution can itself be considered an archetypal construct.
Seem to recollect that Pigliucci more or less took Harris to the woodshed for his argument that science can determine which values humans should promote and endorse. While science may well have something to say on what are the likely consequences of particular choices, it seems clear that it is, at least at the moment, seriously deficient when it comes to being any type of final arbiter. Fact of the matter is that many religions, some more so than others, are the repository for many values which have stood the test of time, and which are likely to be crucial to the survival of the species.

Now if that is not a particularly important goal then of course it's more likely that it won't. Seem to remember reading, many moons ago in, I think, The Nihilists Newsletter ("published quarterly since 1848") an advertisement for a bumper sticker: "End human suffering for all time. Drop the Bomb!" ... ;-) It is, I think, decidedly moot whether that is not the best solution - greatest good for the greatest number and all that - but I think it is clear that that is a choice that we, as a society and a species, have to consciously make.

But, over and out. :-)

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Oglebart »

deLurch wrote:One additional observation about the Bill Nye Sex episode. Bill Nye went out of his way to repeated point out and "joke" around about how much of a 100% pure heterosexual super male he was.
Absolutely, gotta let those hot SJW babes know that he is available. ... 78x381.jpg


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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by DrokkIt »

Aneris talked about how antifa is a a considerable part of the punk/hardcore underground community and a lot of them are pacifists.

Just wanted to second this, as it's a totally accurate observation.
If one departs on a hard-road EU tour of squats etc it's not uncommon to be playing on "stages" with antifa flags as the backdrop.
I want to impart some observations about this:

1: Punk music attracts lots of 'outsider' type disaffected teenagers looking for 'rebel' status.

2: As a general movement it's developed from the squatting scene/DIY culture of the 80s simultaneously with 'crusty' hardcore/anarcho music.

3: A considerable part of punk's core appeal is surface-level aesthetic- very obvious when it's liberty spikes or tattoos etc

4: Opposition to 'the system, man' is an intrinsic aspect of this surface-level aesthetic. It's the mythology of punk, if you will.

5: It's not a very intellectually free space, you tow the line or shut up- it's a clique with established parameters. And it's Hierarchical.

6: Large groups of directionless, apathetic young people are a good target for recruitment to your ideology. Especially if it requires active and complete commitment like veganism or radfem or hare krishna, in the 90s.

7: Kids get peer=pressured/influenced into all kinds of stuff they 100% regret and leave behind later.

8: The counter-cultural setup is a perfect place to go if you simply want to be violent and boss people around.

Now I'm not claiming this is everyone in punk music, as it's clearly a niche, but the above observations are all first-hand for me. Some of you may recall my first post saying I'd come here due to feeling despondent with the amount of this stuff I was encountering as it was spoiling the spirit of individualism and self-expression that had drawn me into the scene decades earlier.
However I must point out that most millennial antifa types are no threat, but feeble people with deep seated personal issues drawn to a movement that conveniently contextualises these problems as 'society's fault'.

There are only so many vegan bakery workshops on cyclist revolution one can hear about before one realises 99% of this stuff is selling a middle-class eco-dream exactly like the wooly bullshit ads for 'healing energy medicine' in the back of the Guardian's weekend magazine.

Antifa has become violent recently; I suspect this is due to people looking to be violent flooding in. It's still mostly a bunch of garbage posing though.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Sulman »

There's a moment when you realise we have travelled so far.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by DrokkIt »

Sulman wrote:There's a moment when you realise we have travelled so far.

I'm A S T O U N D E D this is gaining any traction at all. I want to believe people are just innocently sucked in but COME ON.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Kirbmarc »

Keating wrote:I don't understand Peterson to be saying it is necessary to believe in the Christian God in the same way that Ken Ham or Ray Comfort do. I understand him to be saying that as someone living in the West, it is necessary to understand the Christian stories as the way to behave in society. I think he's quite clear about this, for example, when he discusses Cain and Able. He isn't saying that Cain and Able really existed and really met God. He's saying that the Cain and Able story outlines the proper way to live with regard to sacrifice. It is necessary to freely and gladly surrender things we value in the present (mostly time) for greater rewards in the future. Many of us, particularly if we're from the middle class, don't do this. A good example is that many of us attend university because that is what we think is expected of us, rather than because we've properly examined what our goals in life are and what sacrifices we can make now to best achieve that goal.
Is that the moral of Cain and Abel? I thought that the moral was that farmers/Canaanites are evil and shepherds/Hebrews are Elohim's favorites, but only Elohim (read: his priests) can decide when and how to punish the evil farmers.

I don't know, jokes aside I don't think that we need those myths to male people learn life lessons. Just teach the lessons, dell people that hard work is required without necessarily mentioning a story with many possible interpretations.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by shoutinghorse »

Unashamed Nazis everywhere .. :?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Keating »

Kirbmarc wrote:I don't know, jokes aside I don't think that we need those myths to male people learn life lessons. Just teach the lessons, dell people that hard work is required without necessarily mentioning a story with many possible interpretations.
I'd agree, if we actually taught the lessons. I certainly didn't get taught that at any level of education. On the other hand, a story with a narrative is much more powerful vehicle for humans to learn than straight out facts.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

DrokkIt wrote:Aneris talked about how antifa is a a considerable part of the punk/hardcore underground community and a lot of them are pacifists.

Just wanted to second this, as it's a totally accurate observation.
If one departs on a hard-road EU tour of squats etc it's not uncommon to be playing on "stages" with antifa flags as the backdrop.
I want to impart some observations about this:

1: Punk music attracts lots of 'outsider' type disaffected teenagers looking for 'rebel' status.

2: As a general movement it's developed from the squatting scene/DIY culture of the 80s simultaneously with 'crusty' hardcore/anarcho music.

3: A considerable part of punk's core appeal is surface-level aesthetic- very obvious when it's liberty spikes or tattoos etc

4: Opposition to 'the system, man' is an intrinsic aspect of this surface-level aesthetic. It's the mythology of punk, if you will.

5: It's not a very intellectually free space, you tow the line or shut up- it's a clique with established parameters. And it's Hierarchical.

6: Large groups of directionless, apathetic young people are a good target for recruitment to your ideology. Especially if it requires active and complete commitment like veganism or radfem or hare krishna, in the 90s.

7: Kids get peer=pressured/influenced into all kinds of stuff they 100% regret and leave behind later.

8: The counter-cultural setup is a perfect place to go if you simply want to be violent and boss people around.

Now I'm not claiming this is everyone in punk music, as it's clearly a niche, but the above observations are all first-hand for me. Some of you may recall my first post saying I'd come here due to feeling despondent with the amount of this stuff I was encountering as it was spoiling the spirit of individualism and self-expression that had drawn me into the scene decades earlier.
However I must point out that most millennial antifa types are no threat, but feeble people with deep seated personal issues drawn to a movement that conveniently contextualises these problems as 'society's fault'.

There are only so many vegan bakery workshops on cyclist revolution one can hear about before one realises 99% of this stuff is selling a middle-class eco-dream exactly like the wooly bullshit ads for 'healing energy medicine' in the back of the Guardian's weekend magazine.

Antifa has become violent recently; I suspect this is due to people looking to be violent flooding in. It's still mostly a bunch of garbage posing though.
Have you heard the good news about my new mythology?

Basically there are two contesting forces in the universe - the urge for life which we call the Johnny and the urge to death which is known as the Sid.

Both proceed out of the primordial chaos.

Ultimately, even though I follow the philosophy of the life giving Johnny - I have come to see that it's philosophy is incoherent nonsense and should be rejected as a bunch of bollocks.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

Just a word in support of Aneris' (though I'm sure she can stick up for herself).

I've got no objection to applying the term Nazi to Neo-Nazis/Skin Heads/White Nationalists/White Seperationists/White Ethnostaters etc - though I'm of course willing to be more specific, depending on the context and to avoid any hurt feelings on the part of those identified as such.

Similiarly - I have no real problem with the term 'Anchor Baby' and can accept that there is such a thing as a modern day 'Witch Hunt'.

Aneris is sensitive - some would perhaps say overly so - to these issues - but I can accept why this might be.

Anyway, no 'Sieg' but definitely a 'Hail Fellow(ess), well met' should we ever meet.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

Anyone seen Scented Nectar or Parody Accountant recently?


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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by feathers »

Ape+lust wrote:There should be a named law, like Godwin's or Mykeru's, for the observation that the longer you play the social justice game, the closer the probability approaches one that you'll be accused of sex crime. Especially when you're an idiot who embarrasses your kids by acting like a kissyface 14-year-old with the women around you.
So who posted that?

More importantly, why on earth would he want to crash a skepchick party? Latent risk-seeking behaviour?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by feathers »

Aneris wrote:It's simply not accurate. Antifa is not the same as the Black Bloc or Autonome.
Exactly. If Antifa were the SS, then Black Block would be the Einsatzgruppe and Autonomes would be the Gestapo.

*seeks cover*

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Sunder »

Sulman wrote:There's a moment when you realise we have travelled so far.
If her hand reads WP surely his hand reads QW.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Sunder »

Also holy shit that Twitter thread.

It is now party line amongst Hillary supporters that Sanders paid people to screw HER out of winning. Holy fucking shit what a world.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by DrokkIt »

MarcusAu wrote:
DrokkIt wrote:Aneris talked about how antifa is a a considerable part of the punk/hardcore underground community and a lot of them are pacifists.

Just wanted to second this, as it's a totally accurate observation.
If one departs on a hard-road EU tour of squats etc it's not uncommon to be playing on "stages" with antifa flags as the backdrop.
I want to impart some observations about this:

1: Punk music attracts lots of 'outsider' type disaffected teenagers looking for 'rebel' status.

2: As a general movement it's developed from the squatting scene/DIY culture of the 80s simultaneously with 'crusty' hardcore/anarcho music.

3: A considerable part of punk's core appeal is surface-level aesthetic- very obvious when it's liberty spikes or tattoos etc

4: Opposition to 'the system, man' is an intrinsic aspect of this surface-level aesthetic. It's the mythology of punk, if you will.

5: It's not a very intellectually free space, you tow the line or shut up- it's a clique with established parameters. And it's Hierarchical.

6: Large groups of directionless, apathetic young people are a good target for recruitment to your ideology. Especially if it requires active and complete commitment like veganism or radfem or hare krishna, in the 90s.

7: Kids get peer=pressured/influenced into all kinds of stuff they 100% regret and leave behind later.

8: The counter-cultural setup is a perfect place to go if you simply want to be violent and boss people around.

Now I'm not claiming this is everyone in punk music, as it's clearly a niche, but the above observations are all first-hand for me. Some of you may recall my first post saying I'd come here due to feeling despondent with the amount of this stuff I was encountering as it was spoiling the spirit of individualism and self-expression that had drawn me into the scene decades earlier.
However I must point out that most millennial antifa types are no threat, but feeble people with deep seated personal issues drawn to a movement that conveniently contextualises these problems as 'society's fault'.

There are only so many vegan bakery workshops on cyclist revolution one can hear about before one realises 99% of this stuff is selling a middle-class eco-dream exactly like the wooly bullshit ads for 'healing energy medicine' in the back of the Guardian's weekend magazine.

Antifa has become violent recently; I suspect this is due to people looking to be violent flooding in. It's still mostly a bunch of garbage posing though.
Have you heard the good news about my new mythology?

Basically there are two contesting forces in the universe - the urge for life which we call the Johnny and the urge to death which is known as the Sid.

Both proceed out of the primordial chaos.

Ultimately, even though I follow the philosophy of the life giving Johnny - I have come to see that it's philosophy is incoherent nonsense and should be rejected as a bunch of bollocks.
Took me a moment to get this because nobody listens to the Sex Pistols. Prefer the Clash out of the old guard :)

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by screwtape »

I remember a first year psychology student at UCL in 1976 telling me this was the subject of his first lecture:
(19.35 KiB) Downloaded 190 times
There, now you are all subliminally commanded to go out and buy a pack as it will improve your sex life (or in his case, maybe create one de novo).

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by shoutinghorse »

Is there a subliminal message here Becky?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Sulman »

When I was at college Marlboro was supposed to read 'Orobl Jew' when reflected, also the three red chevrons were for the KKK. College is stupid.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by jet_lagg »

Critical theorist bemoans the fact that her philosophy can be be used by people she doesn't like.
Trump’s playbook should be familiar to any student of critical theory and philosophy. It often feels like Trump has stolen our ideas and weaponized them.

For decades, critical social scientists and humanists have chipped away at the idea of truth.
I read shit like this and my first instinct is to assume Parsehole wrote it. That's his brilliance. Create a character who states the fatal flaw of their own ideology in the plainest language possible and then continues on, unmoved and uncaring about this vulnerability. The rest of a essay is just an attempt to demarcate weaponized versus (presumably) honest applications of critical theory, the author and her allies exercising the latter of course.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

shoutinghorse wrote:Is there a subliminal message here Becky?
If I was her - I'd seek legal advice before trying that one out on the judge.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by jet_lagg »

paddybrown wrote:
What I would say to civil, liberal Antifa-apologists like Aneris. Once the door to political violence is fully opened, politics will be decided not by who has the best argument, but by who is best at violence. Do you really think that's going to be you?

Relevant post at Slate Star Codex.
Violence is a symmetric weapon; the bad guys’ punches hit just as hard as the good guys’ do.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by feathers »

jet_lagg wrote:Relevant post at Slate Star Codex.
Violence is a symmetric weapon; the bad guys’ punches hit just as hard as the good guys’ do.
Arguably, the bad guys have more experience. That's why they're the bad guys.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

Kirbmarc wrote:
Is that the moral of Cain and Abel? I thought that the moral was that farmers/Canaanites are evil and shepherds/Hebrews are Elohim's favorites, but only Elohim (read: his priests) can decide when and how to punish the evil farmers.

I don't know, jokes aside I don't think that we need those myths to male people learn life lessons. Just teach the lessons, dell people that hard work is required without necessarily mentioning a story with many possible interpretations.
If anyone has been in an environment (no matter how mild) where they have been 'rationalised at' without the option to leave then if they do get away - I would not fault them for being averse to buying into a watered down version (or something using some of the same language / stories / whatever).

I can see value in learning comparative religion, or mythology to those interested in the subject - but you know - it's definitely not for everyone.

And yes - I will be watching American Gods. (I love this stuff).

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by CaptainFluffyBunny »

feathers wrote:snip
So who posted that?

More importantly, why on earth would he want to crash a skepchick party? Latent risk-seeking behaviour?
STD Bingo.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Sulman »

jet_lagg wrote:Critical theorist bemoans the fact that her philosophy can be be used by people she doesn't like.
Trump’s playbook should be familiar to any student of critical theory and philosophy. It often feels like Trump has stolen our ideas and weaponized them.

For decades, critical social scientists and humanists have chipped away at the idea of truth.
I read shit like this and my first instinct is to assume Parsehole wrote it. That's his brilliance. Create a character who states the fatal flaw of their own ideology in the plainest language possible and then continues on, unmoved and uncaring about this vulnerability. The rest of a essay is just an attempt to demarcate weaponized versus (presumably) honest applications of critical theory, the author and her allies exercising the latter of course.
This is an absolutely brilliant find.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by CommanderTuvok »

Sulman wrote:There's a moment when you realise we have travelled so far.
Emma Roller? Emma TROLLer, am i rite?


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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Ape+lust »

feathers wrote:
Ape+lust wrote:There should be a named law, like Godwin's or Mykeru's, for the observation that the longer you play the social justice game, the closer the probability approaches one that you'll be accused of sex crime. Especially when you're an idiot who embarrasses your kids by acting like a kissyface 14-year-old with the women around you.
So who posted that?
It's a composite of these links I made years ago. I should re-do it, it looks awful: ... p?p=874664 ... g2005.html
feathers wrote:More importantly, why on earth would he want to crash a skepchick party? Latent risk-seeking behaviour?
Rebecca was discovering she could make nerds feel sexy. I suppose "darling Phil" felt like King of the Nerds.

He'd successfully crashed their pajama party the year before: ... Party.html

and by gawd, he was going to do it again: ... stcount=24

Here's Rebecca, who has long complained about the "sexual objectification" of smart, capable, 3-dimensional women such as herself, working her sexy magic on others:
During the beginning of John’s talk, I ran into Christopher Hitchens. I first met him at TAM3, when following his talk I offered to have his love baby. No, I’m serious. I remember remarking to Sam (we’ve been TAM roommates for a long time now) at the time, “I don’t agree with most of what he just said, but damn do I like the way he says it.”
After Hitchens, I grabbed Jim Underdown, director of CSI-West and mega-cutie. Okay, “mega-cutie” isn’t technically his title, but it’s still true. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I am enamored with a good 90% of the people I meet at TAM.
Plus, Scientific American editor John Rennie sat down with us, too — definitely a fun lunch. Did I mention I developed a bit of a crush on John? I found him to be surprisingly funny, and not just a little bit cute, to boot. I’m trying to convince him to come up to Boston so we can hang out (platonically). ... rt-part-v/
She cast her net wide and often, but only came up with Plait, Myers, and the Patreon minnows. But she can still make rent without a job, so whatever -- it worked.

free thoughtpolice
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by free thoughtpolice »

Guest_440911e7 wrote:
I thought ze looked familiar: ... yrian-army

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by windy »

MacGruberKnows wrote:A-OK is also the sign of the beast: ... ok6661.jpg

Proof the the nazi's are in an alliance with the beast and are controlled by the devil.

Everything is not A-OK. ... gazine.jpg

"66" great styles + Denzel forming the number 6 with his hand: coincidence, or Satanic message from the Patriarchy?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Ape+lust »

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

MarcusAu wrote:I think I've been online too long.

I'm starting to conflate Camille Paglia and Jordan Peterson.
Who'd you rather bang?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Kirbmarc »

MarcusAu wrote:If anyone has been in an environment (no matter how mild) where they have been 'rationalised at' without the option to leave then if they do get away - I would not fault them for being averse to buying into a watered down version (or something using some of the same language / stories / whatever).

I can see value in learning comparative religion, or mythology to those interested in the subject - but you know - it's definitely not for everyone.

And yes - I will be watching American Gods. (I love this stuff).
I love learning about comparative religion or mythology and I think it's a very good thing to learn about many different mythologies and religions as long as one keeps in mind that they're fiction open to multiple interpretations and that our modern interpretations very likely weren't the ones of those people who knew about these stories centuries ago.

While I was joking about the only possible interpretation of Cain and Abel's story as a way to teach Hebrews to obey their priests and hate the Canaanites I think that it's a possible interpretation of how they story could have been used by a Hebrew leader allied with a clerical class who wanted to get his people to spare some useful Canaanite slaves ("Elohim is with us, kill the Canaanites who rebel against His word, but those with the mark of Cain are protected, Elohim will punish them if you strike them down").

Basically if you're clever enough you can find good justifications for all sorts of ideas in the Bible and the Qu'ran, especially ideas about privileging the believers over the non-believers, which is the central message of both books. Clever, ambitious players can and do use religion as a powerful justification for their plans, and in most cases those plans involve a decent amount of violence against the "right" targets. It's incredibly hard to use social manipulation for "good" because the idea of social manipulation itself is pretty unethical.

Also people who reward their cronies are more successful than people who want to change society for good. Machiavellian "Princes", who appear to be virtuous while they can be thorough bastards when it's useful for their plans, are better at playing the game of politics than people who try to be ethical. The perfect combination of enough good words, decent acts and social manipulation to get widespread support, a well-oiled machine of mutually rewarding alliances between cronies and a good amount of cruelty when needed works wonders if your plan is to be a ruthless autocrat. Religion is a very useful tool for clever tyrants, just like any other ideology.

Enlightenment values, as far as I see it, are ultimately about switching on a light, about revealing the man behind the curtain. The motto of the Enlightenment is "sapere aude", dare to know. Freethought is about revealing social cons and manipulations. Enlightenment thinkers and freethinkers (not necessarily atheists, but also Deists and Liberal Christians) had the objective to reveal how tyrants manipulated societies and how they used religion to justify themselves. It's not by chance that those people substituted the divine rights of kings or of the church with republics of free citizens. Liberal democracies were explicitly built to reduce the power of the state, to make some institutions watch over others, to ensure that citizens are protected against tyrants.

TL;DR: We should defend liberal democracy and its values, not Christianity. Stories are far too easy to misuse, let's focus on institutions and principles instead.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Kirbmarc »

Ape+lust wrote:She cast her net wide and often, but only came up with Plait, Myers, and the Patreon minnows. But she can still make rent without a job, so whatever -- it worked.
Not as much as she wanted, though, since she had big ambitions, she was aiming at bagging Hitchens or someone in a high hierchical position, at least (CSI-West directors and Scientific American editors).

Truth to be told Rebecca isn't very good at seducing people with at least an ounce self-respect. Plait is a textbook people pleaser who's unable to say No to those he deems to be his friends (he took suggestions from Surly Amy of all people), Pizzle is a chickenhawk with zero self-respect who lashes out at others online but is meek as a lamb when he meets them in person. Those people are easy to charm if you flatter their wounded ego by calling them good guys.

People like Hitchens, who don't give a damn about their bad reputation and actually cultivate an image of being the Jerk Who's Right, are far harder to fool with flattery and smiles.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by free thoughtpolice »

The comedian at the White House Correspondents dinner was disappointing, especially considering the wealth of material Trump gave him. ... nts-dinner

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Everyone I don't Like is a Regressive and they are all Viole


Post by Aneris »

DrokkIt wrote:Aneris talked about how antifa is a a considerable part of the punk/hardcore underground community and a lot of them are pacifists.

Just wanted to second this, as it's a totally accurate observation.
If one departs on a hard-road EU tour of squats etc it's not uncommon to be playing on "stages" with antifa flags as the backdrop.
I want to impart some observations about this:

1: Punk music attracts lots of 'outsider' type disaffected teenagers looking for 'rebel' status.

2: As a general movement it's developed from the squatting scene/DIY culture of the 80s simultaneously with 'crusty' hardcore/anarcho music.

3: A considerable part of punk's core appeal is surface-level aesthetic- very obvious when it's liberty spikes or tattoos etc

4: Opposition to 'the system, man' is an intrinsic aspect of this surface-level aesthetic. It's the mythology of punk, if you will.

5: It's not a very intellectually free space, you tow the line or shut up- it's a clique with established parameters. And it's Hierarchical.

6: Large groups of directionless, apathetic young people are a good target for recruitment to your ideology. Especially if it requires active and complete commitment like veganism or radfem or hare krishna, in the 90s.

7: Kids get peer=pressured/influenced into all kinds of stuff they 100% regret and leave behind later.

8: The counter-cultural setup is a perfect place to go if you simply want to be violent and boss people around.

Now I'm not claiming this is everyone in punk music, as it's clearly a niche, but the above observations are all first-hand for me. Some of you may recall my first post saying I'd come here due to feeling despondent with the amount of this stuff I was encountering as it was spoiling the spirit of individualism and self-expression that had drawn me into the scene decades earlier.
However I must point out that most millennial antifa types are no threat, but feeble people with deep seated personal issues drawn to a movement that conveniently contextualises these problems as 'society's fault'.

There are only so many vegan bakery workshops on cyclist revolution one can hear about before one realises 99% of this stuff is selling a middle-class eco-dream exactly like the wooly bullshit ads for 'healing energy medicine' in the back of the Guardian's weekend magazine.

Antifa has become violent recently; I suspect this is due to people looking to be violent flooding in. It's still mostly a bunch of garbage posing though.
I agree to almost everything you wrote. Except the last part. There were always violent parts within the Antifa, but extremist violence on both sides of the spectrum has gone up, reports the Guardian. The Financial Times goes further, titles "Far right drives rise in extremism and violence in Germany". One caveat is that this matter overall is not as trivial to define as it seems. Though to be clear, nobody doubts who sets asylum and refugee shelters aflame.

It’s very clear to me that the vocal majority here want to draw super-fine grained distinctions between 88 flavours of Right Wing, like Tumblerinas would with their genders, just so that there is enough space between Richard Spencer and some other liked candidate. However, according to what I read here, “The Left” is just one thing. The Left are the Regressives, the Regressives are Antifa. And they are all violent bullies.

I realized recently that the Illuminatus! Trilogy was written based on the same kind of ideology that is now associated with the Alt Right. Would Wilson and Shea write it today, they might observe JP Watson, Carl Benjamin (Sargon), Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone, Lauren Southern and the likes, and their comment sections instead of reading loon letters sent to the Playboy magazine where they worked at the time. Discordianism is strongly influenced by and against that kind of thinking. And I now appreciate some of the finer references. For example, one encounter a few days ago, I was confronted with what is half-seriously called a "Reality Tunnel". The inability to hold several facts in their mind, which don't agree to their bias, and which is sabotaging abductive reasoning. This idea is heavily inspired by Tim Leary, and now somewhat subsumed by Confirmation Bias, but shows another aspect, that is quite subtle. Wilson had this "simultaneous apprehension" talk, which seemed one of the more outlandish ideas -- of where there are many. But I now see the point.

While I am at it, there's more with memes and meme magick, satirical occultism, FNORD and so forth, being selective, being half-serious-non-serious-in-jest-maybe, in the Discordian lore (one connection can be seen via Moore to Anons, Vendetta etc). I was down a bit from what happened, but there are actualy fun times ahead now that I consider the implications of this. :)

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

Fucking Bril - Kirbmarc

You always add more to the discussion.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by MarcusAu »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
MarcusAu wrote:I think I've been online too long.

I'm starting to conflate Camille Paglia and Jordan Peterson.
Who'd you rather bang?
Oh no. I'm not going through that again.

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

shoutinghorse wrote:Is there a subliminal message here Becky?
If she brushed her teeth, she could command at least $300.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by pro-boxing-fan »

Suet Cardigan
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Suet Cardigan »

jet_lagg wrote:Critical theorist bemoans the fact that her philosophy can be be used by people she doesn't like.
Trump’s playbook should be familiar to any student of critical theory and philosophy. It often feels like Trump has stolen our ideas and weaponized them.

For decades, critical social scientists and humanists have chipped away at the idea of truth.
I read shit like this and my first instinct is to assume Parsehole wrote it. That's his brilliance. Create a character who states the fatal flaw of their own ideology in the plainest language possible and then continues on, unmoved and uncaring about this vulnerability. The rest of a essay is just an attempt to demarcate weaponized versus (presumably) honest applications of critical theory, the author and her allies exercising the latter of course.
How can anyone write
The bedrock claim of critical philosophy, going back to Kant, is simple: We can never have certain knowledge about the world in its entirety. Claiming to know the truth is therefore a kind of assertion of power.
without realising that they are claiming that it's definitely true that we can never have certain knowledge? :think:

And the idea that we can't have certain knowledge predates Kant by centuries:

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Old_ones »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
Old_ones wrote: Just to add a bit, it depends partly on what you mean by "imbecile" as well. Down syndrome is chromosomal rather than genetic so I'm pretty sure that a genius a higher probability of having a Down baby that Oolon would, all other things being equal. Other disorders that are related to cellular defects like aneuploidy should be similar.
Aneuploidy is a difference in numbers of chromosomes, not within chromosomes, but I'm curious why that would be described as 'not genetic'.

Also: are not Oolon's parents fairly well-to-do? So they would match Murray & Hernstein's description of people who've succeeded due to high intelligence, yet they gave birth to an imbecile.
Sorry, this is ancient history now, but I wanted to respond. I drew a distinction between genetic and chromosomal because we were talking about the heritability of intelligence, and things like Down syndrome or Patau syndrome aren't connected the information in the parental genetic code the way that, cystic fibrosis is (for example). They are related to the amount of genetic material, as you said. I suppose those syndromes could be considered genetic in a certain sense, but instances of aneuploidy shouldn't be predictable by transmission genetics since they aren't related to the genotype of the person.

Also that botched sentence in my response to DeLurch should read:

"Down syndrome is chromosomal rather than genetic so I'm pretty sure that a genius would have no higher probability of having a Down baby than Oolon, all other things being equal."

I'm not sure how I managed to write something as incoherent as the version that was in the original response - maybe that was part of the reason the distinction I made didn't make sense.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Suet Cardigan »

Female MRA interviews feminist. Lols ensue.

