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Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:06 am
by Tribble
Guest wrote:
Tribble wrote:First, the man in question wasn't a pedophile. Pedophiles have sex with children. It's true that two of the girls were 13 and 14 respectively
Yes, strictly speaking, he was "an ephebophile who repeatedly committed whatever your jurisdiction calls the crime of a person above the age of consent having sex with a person below the age of consent."

That's why if anyone ever gets rich, they should probably buy more video games instead of fucking trafficked prostitutes, unlike this scumbag.

Btw, Watson obviously didn't mean "pedophilia" in the sense of a psychiatric disorder but in the vernacular sense of "having sex with persons under the age of consent" so that part of your post is just fooling around.
Watson's Skepchick/blogging career, for at least the past few years, has been substantially centered on inflammatory and hyperbolic accusations against others. I can't see any real reason, based on her recent history, that anyone would give her a pass on the obvious intent incorporated in the reading of her work. Especially in light of she styles herself, in part, as a professional communicator and, in fact, holds a college degree in communication.

So, while Joe Redneck with a HS diploma will get a pass on word-usage in my book, a person with the claims of expertise, the collegiate training and the history of incendiary polemics will not.

But that's a professional thing, I guess. Professionals (and those who claim to be professionals) are legally and morally held to a higher standard by society and the law. That's why licensed accountants get sued for fouling up financial statements while unlicensed bookkeepers tend to be immune from civil actions for the same level and character of mistakes.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:06 am
by JackRayner
DeepInsideYourMind wrote:
JackRayner wrote:
DeepInsideYourMind wrote: More 'lets redefine the word to make it suit our ends' going on...

In legal terms, it is very well defined. In medical terms, it is very well defined.
Who is that in reference to?
Anyone incapable of using Google or Wikipedia... which certainly means Watson, a whole bunch of indignant rabid baboons, and apparently Welch too
Roger that.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:07 am
by welch
John D wrote:
welch wrote: Also, she was trying to post those pics so that only one or two people could see them, and some goob hacked the account. So now they're all over the internet, photoshopped to look nude, and she can't get away from them ever. If you read about the whole thing, it's completely fucked up. She was getting real threats to the point where she and her family, (intelligently) called the cops about it. Ended up having to be home schooled because everyone in the schools she tried to attend were calling her whore, porn star, etc.

But yeah, I can't see looking at those and thinking "she must be over 18".

Also, really? So because the women in question were 13 and 14, it was okay? Now, I have a SLIGHT understanding for Epstein given he was told the women were 18, (and I mean an infinitesimally small one), but holy shit, why would you even take that risk? you want to walk on the edge of statutory for what? If you have that kind of kink in your personality, that's what FANTASY is for. You find someone clearly of legal age, and have them PRETEND.

You don't go finding hookers who are right on the edge, and then get all shocked they lied. Oh no. Someone engaged in an illegal activity was less than honest. How fucking shocking.

Also, the whole "they were 13 and 14 so it wasn't pedophilia"? if I don't buy that idiocy when Bill Donohue spouts it to defend the Catholic Church, why would I, or anyone, buy it when used to defend someone else?
The age of consent in my home state of Michigan is 16. This young lady could easily pass for 16 which is perfectly legal. I think the age of consent is 15 in Hawaii. I had sex with a 15 year old myself... and now she has been my wife of 29 years. I guess I was a pedo when we first met but as she aged I was cured. (and yes... if the cops wanted to arrest me and try me as a statutory rapist I would have been found guilty and had to have my name in the sex offender list.)

(so yeah Welch... I am a rapist and a racist. Fuck you twat!)
such a paragon of awesomeness you are.

To be honest, if you were arrested fucking a horse with a dead dog's penis that was strapped to your forehead, I'd not even blink. At this point, given how relentless you justify everything you do as okay, because <insert fucked-up reason here>, I'm pretty sure that in your head, you've never done anything wrong in your life whatsoever. It's just the twats, the cunts, and the assholes who are too limited and stupid to understand.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:09 am
by DeepInsideYourMind
Guest wrote:
I don't even...Both Watson and Welch (as well as the "indignant rabid baboons") used it in the vernacular sense of "sex with person below the age of consent." Obviously the legal terms differ and I'm guessing no places officially call it "pedophilia" in that sense but they refer to the exact same thing. Similarly, no one invoked the term in a psychiatric sense. Perhaps the problem in comprehension lies with you in this case?
Sex with someone below the age of consent is .... sex with someone below the age of consent

Pedophilia means something different.

You can play moral indignation all you like, you can claim they mean the same thing all you like, you can say that nobody would think they are different... but it really doesn't make any difference, as the only basis that matters is the definition of the word in legal and medical terms.

Whether sex with someone below the age of consent is right or wrong has nothing to do with it, and is also variable depending upon location, jurisdiction and a host of other factors.

So accusations of pedophilia are pretty much on the same scale as accusations of rape - right at the top of the "you don't want to accuse people of these criminal acts unless you have seriously strong evidence" list

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:09 am
by LonLon
Mr.Deity on PZ/ftb from 05:18 onwards very true and funny.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:10 am
by zenbabe
rayshul wrote:
Roofied_Baboon wrote:I'm betting Myers will NOT comply with the cease and desist. :popcorn:

I keep thinking about that bit Shermer wrote/said about failing to deal with PZ and his nutbag buddies that someone posted earlier (Ophelia's take on it, at least). Seriously, these people should have sorted this shit earlier. Because they could have. And now we have this fucking insanity.
I am also slightly leaning toward non-compliance, in the betting pool.

PZ is, afterall:

(the above from Jan Steen: viewtopic.php?p=98668#p98668)

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:14 am
by LonLon
LonLon wrote:Mr.Deity on PZ/ftb from 05:18 onwards very true and funny.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Well that didnt work as i planned. Heres a link to the video

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:14 am
by Matt Cavanaugh
H. Korban wrote:We should start a betting pool. I do not think our Lord and Master PZ (PBUH) will retract or delete his post. He is too much in la-la land, and his screeching monkey horde have bolstered his ego beyond belief. In their minds they really are untouchable, what with the Lord and Master Himself on their side, fighting the good fight and what not.
I'll win the pool, because I've already conducted a bayesian analysis of the probable outcomes.

I have training in probable methods.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:15 am
by John D
welch wrote: such a paragon of awesomeness you are.

To be honest, if you were arrested fucking a horse with a dead dog's penis that was strapped to your forehead, I'd not even blink. At this point, given how relentless you justify everything you do as okay, because <insert fucked-up reason here>, I'm pretty sure that in your head, you've never done anything wrong in your life whatsoever. It's just the twats, the cunts, and the assholes who are too limited and stupid to understand.
I also used to pop ants on a sunny day using a magnifying glass!

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:17 am
by Guest
DeepInsideYourMind wrote:Sex with someone below the age of consent is .... sex with someone below the age of consent etc.
Since you enjoy Wikipedia and you don't seem to understand what people are saying to you:

"The term has a range of definitions, as found in psychiatry, psychology, the vernacular, and law enforcement"

So, there you go. Next complaint: "you can't call this 'child pornography,' even in an unofficial context, the people in it are teens!"

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:17 am
by Phil_Giordana_FCD
lost control wrote:
Phil_Giordana_FCD wrote:Oh, okay. I'm learning a lot about hallucination.

I'm getting my blood results this afternoon. I'd bet for either jaundice, epathitis, or (the worst) cirrohsis. Of course their could be even worst. The big C, or another organ toouched altogether. I'll keep you guys informed. menwhile I continue reading where I stopped (a few pages ago) while chatting with my imaginary friends...
I hope you get better quickly. As you're hallucinating, is someone with you to check you're not doing some stupid shit?

Just a wild guess (and not too long ago witnessing what hypothyreosis can lead to, seldomly even including psychiatric effects such as hallucinations and paranoia), but are your thyroid related levels being checked, too? Afaik, they're usually included in "figure it out" blood tests, but not a doctor, only long ago being trained as a medic in the military. Paging Skep Tickle.
Not at the moment, but I'm kind of living the experience with a critical eye. It's quite fun. Now there are small mamalls in my diet coke bottles. I'll keep that one as a test subject to see whether the hallucinations go or not. If I can find a way to transfer them to a water bottle. Beside these phenomena, I fell quite okay, mentally at least.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:18 am
by welch
DeepInsideYourMind wrote:
JackRayner wrote:
DeepInsideYourMind wrote: More 'lets redefine the word to make it suit our ends' going on...

In legal terms, it is very well defined. In medical terms, it is very well defined.
Who is that in reference to?
Anyone incapable of using Google or Wikipedia... which certainly means Watson, a whole bunch of indignant rabid baboons, and apparently Welch too
As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children (generally age 11 years or younger, though specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder extends the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13).[1][2][3][4] An adolescent who is 16 years of age or older must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia.[1][2]
Oops, looks like the cutoff can include 13 year olds. Darn. Better revise that range.

Again, I find it interesting that the vast majority of twee arguing about what is pedophilia is used by people like Epstein and donohue to justify bad behavior. THEY WERE TEENAGERS, IT WASN'T THAT BAD.

I also find the "she didn't LOOK underage" arguments just as specious. In the cases of deliberate deception by the person, most famously in the Rob Lowe case, then I do have more sympathy and understanding for the person accused, especially if it was clear they weren't looking for someone on the edge of legal age, but honestly thought the other person was of legal age.

I think it's a bit much to expect someone who is going home with someone they met in a bar to card them. In theory, that's what the bar does, and it is reasonable to expect that anyone in a bar is at the very least a legal adult, if not of legal drinking age.

But when you look at how people like Donohue abuse that IT WASN'T PEDOPHILIA, THEY WERE TOO OLD argument, one might understand someone having a lack of sympathy for that argument. Same thing with the consent age argument. "They looked old enough". Really? Why would you even be playing that close to the edge? Why are you pushing your luck that hard to where, literally, a few hours is the difference between icky and illegal?

This is why this forum pretty much denotes 100% of my interaction with the "skeptical" community. There's very little difference between this kind of silliness and week-long nerd arguments over peanut butter.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:18 am
by DeepInsideYourMind
Guest wrote:
DeepInsideYourMind wrote:Sex with someone below the age of consent is .... sex with someone below the age of consent etc.
Since you enjoy Wikipedia and you don't seem to understand what people are saying to you:

"The term has a range of definitions, as found in psychiatry, psychology, the vernacular, and law enforcement"

So, there you go. Next complaint: "you can't call this 'child pornography,' even in an unofficial context, the people in it are teens!"
Read further ... specifically the age range ...

People who can't read and quote mine really shouldn't be allowed on the Internet, they just embarrass themselves

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:20 am
by Selenite
LonLon wrote:Mr.Deity on PZ/ftb from 05:18 onwards very true and funny.

Mr Deity nailed the response here. Perfect.

It also made me wonder if there's some behind-the-scenes communications between the non-FTB content-producers. FTB is trying to set themselves up as the community's official witch-finders. There are a lot of people who'd get hurt by that.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:21 am
by welch
DeepInsideYourMind wrote:
Guest wrote:
DeepInsideYourMind wrote:Sex with someone below the age of consent is .... sex with someone below the age of consent etc.
Since you enjoy Wikipedia and you don't seem to understand what people are saying to you:

"The term has a range of definitions, as found in psychiatry, psychology, the vernacular, and law enforcement"

So, there you go. Next complaint: "you can't call this 'child pornography,' even in an unofficial context, the people in it are teens!"
Read further ... specifically the age range ...

People who can't read and quote mine really shouldn't be allowed on the Internet, they just embarrass themselves
Well, Wikipedia establishes that pedophila can apply up to the age of 13.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:22 am
by Guest
[quote="DeepInsideYourMind"People who can't read and quote mine really shouldn't be allowed on the Internet, they just embarrass themselves[/quote]

Here, reading further from your favorite (and accurate from what I've seen, actually) Wiki article as you suggested:

"In law enforcement circles, the term pedophile is sometimes used in a broad manner to encompass a person who commits one or more sexually-based crimes that relate to legally underage victims. These crimes may include child sexual abuse, statutory rape, offenses involving child pornography, child grooming, stalking, and indecent exposure"

No one is talking about psychiatry here, dumbass, so the definition that only includes prepubescents isn't relevant. No one called the guy a pedophile in psychiatric terms.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:23 am
by Deo Vacuus
Hoggle's latest:

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:24 am
by welch
Guest wrote:[quote="DeepInsideYourMind"People who can't read and quote mine really shouldn't be allowed on the Internet, they just embarrass themselves

Here, reading further from your favorite (and accurate from what I've seen, actually) Wiki article as you suggested:

"In law enforcement circles, the term pedophile is sometimes used in a broad manner to encompass a person who commits one or more sexually-based crimes that relate to legally underage victims. These crimes may include child sexual abuse, statutory rape, offenses involving child pornography, child grooming, stalking, and indecent exposure"

No one is talking about psychiatry here, dumbass, so the definition that only includes prepubescents isn't relevant. No one called the guy a pedophile in psychiatric terms.[/quote]

QUOTE-MINOR!!!!! (see what I did there?) :-P

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:26 am
by DeepInsideYourMind
welch wrote: Well, Wikipedia establishes that pedophila can apply up to the age of 13.
Tut tut quote mining... go and re-read ... you missed a number of vital aspects out of the definitions

Or if you are so sure of your definition, can I suggest you write a blog post and make your accusation public, maybe title it "I have grenade up my ass" ... and see what a court of law considers the term to mean...

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:29 am
by John D
welch wrote:
Guest wrote:[quote="DeepInsideYourMind"People who can't read and quote mine really shouldn't be allowed on the Internet, they just embarrass themselves

Here, reading further from your favorite (and accurate from what I've seen, actually) Wiki article as you suggested:

"In law enforcement circles, the term pedophile is sometimes used in a broad manner to encompass a person who commits one or more sexually-based crimes that relate to legally underage victims. These crimes may include child sexual abuse, statutory rape, offenses involving child pornography, child grooming, stalking, and indecent exposure"

No one is talking about psychiatry here, dumbass, so the definition that only includes prepubescents isn't relevant. No one called the guy a pedophile in psychiatric terms.
QUOTE-MINOR!!!!! (see what I did there?) :-P[/quote]

Walch - I am really just happy to find out that I am a pedophile. I never even considered this. Having sex with my 15yo girl friend (who is now my wife of 29 years) makes me a pedo. I think that is really fucking cool. I appreciate that you can give me these useful lables (pedo, racist, <fill-in-blank>. What would I do without you... you fucking twat!

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:31 am
by Al Stefanelli
codelette wrote:She most be a Twitter veteran...

Fuckin' self-centered asshole and her PTSD self-diagnosis.
A little back story on this, as it started out on my Facebook page...

I posted a link to the article I wrote on my blog about PZ's accusation of Shermer being a serial rapist. It garnered a lot of comments. Sarah Jones was one of those commenters and had expressed her opinion that I was victim-blaming the subject of PZ's grenade blog, in spite of the actual words that I wrote, which included several disclaimers, explanations and plain-language details about the purpose of what I wrote and why I wrote it.

Go figure...

Anyhow, one particular commenter issued death threats to Sarah Jones, so that part of the story is true. There were comments in that thread that included a threat on the life of Sarah Jones. Who is Sarah Jones? She is someone that I had previously interviewed on a radio show I co-host called 'The God Discussion,' where she was a guest.

You can read more about her and the show where we met here.

So, yes, she did receive death threats. Now, here is where it goes off the rails...

If anyone has the time or inclination to copy and paste the timeline of this particular twitter orgy, they will see it involved me, EllenBeth Wachs and several others. There were constant references to the death threats, righteous indignation about nobody coming to her aid, contacting the authorities, getting Facebook involved, etc.

What is not included in the twitter orgy (which is why I hate having conversations on twitter) are a few of facts (those pesky facts) that are pertinent to the situation.

1) The fact that when the threats were issued I was out of town for the day and that is why they were not immediately deleted or even addressed.

2) The fact that when I saw the threats I immediately deleted them, sent a private message to Sarah about the person who made the threats, posted a disclaimer on my wall about not tolerating death threats, re-blocked the individual and included a public apology to Sarah for being the recipient of said threats.

3) The individual who issued those threats is mentally ill.

Seriously and legitimately mentally ill. Anyone who would have bothered to read the comments on that thread (my Facebook account is public) would have immediately understood this. But just in case there is any doubt, the young man who issued the threats is a paranoid schizophrenic that suffers from delusions and hallucinations when he is not on his medication. I've known this kid for a while, and when he goes off his meds he gets very unpredictable, and thus I have had to block him a time or two over the years.

His comments leading up to the threats included his claims that:

* He is genetically engineered
* He has super powers
* He is an agent for Interpol
* He has killed thousands as a paid assassin for various governments
* He is a walking sovereign state who is above the law

Additionally, If anyone bothered to visit his Facebook page they would have read even more outlandish claims about himself being a real-life Iron Man (other super heroes have been invoked in the past) and other delusions and similar posts alluding to his being a genetically engineered soldier who works for Interpol as a paid assassin and is above the law and has agents working under him who he sends on various missions that include anything from killing heads of state to threats of assigning people to blow up government buildings. You would also find a lot about the government spying on him and various other paranoid delusions.

They would have immediately dismissed the threats for what they were, and moved on.

But Sarah Jones did not include these facts in her twitter meltdown. She decided to milk the living fuck out of it for reasons which are glaringly obvious and quite predictable.

After I had enough of being tagged in a war between her and EllenBeth, Kim Rippere, from Secular Woman (who supports PZ and you all know who she is and what Secular Woman is) chimed in, and then came the Melody Hensley tweet.

So, there you have it. Another Seinfeld incident.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:32 am
by JackRayner
welch wrote:
JackRayner wrote:
welch wrote: Also, the whole "they were 13 and 14 so it wasn't pedophilia"? if I don't buy that idiocy when Bill Donohue spouts it to defend the Catholic Church, why would I, or anyone, buy it when used to defend someone else?
Maybe because pedophilia is an actual thing, and 13-14 is way out of range? ... ferent.gif
funny how often that is used as a justification and not an academic explanation. Almost to the point where no one really gives a fuck. The fact the person someone was having sex with is 12 or 13 instead of 11 doesn't make it okay.
To start, I'm not trying to "justify" anyone's violation of the law of he land [so, yeah, this is an "academic explanation". If you don't give a fuck about the topic, then feel free to stay out of it...maybe?], I'm just stating that fucking a minor doesn't mean you're a pedophile, especially when it's 13-14 year olds. Next, 11 mightn't fall under pedophilia either, just as a heads up. And lastly, when it is and isn't "okay" to fuck a post-pubescent human is solely dependent on that culture's views, and the laws [whether tribal or governmental] they may make from these views. If you feel the need to apply some moral value to these things, be my guest, just know they're not objective.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:34 am
by Matt Cavanaugh
Uff da!

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:41 am
by Guest
JackRayner wrote:To start, I'm not trying to "justify" anyone's violation of the law of he land [so, yeah, this is an "academic explanation". If you don't give a fuck about the topic, then feel free to stay out of it...maybe?], I'm just stating that fucking a minor doesn't mean you're a pedophile, especially when it's 13-14 year olds. Next, 11 mightn't fall under pedophilia either, just as a heads up. And lastly, when it is and isn't "okay" to fuck a post-pubescent human is solely dependent on that culture's views, and the laws [whether tribal or governmental] they may make from these views. If you feel the need to apply some moral value to these things, be my guest, just know they're not objective.
You should stop being such a prescriptivist. You're starting to remind me of those SJWs who always go on about people using "racism" in the wrong manner since it can only mean "institutional racism," otherwise you should call it "racial prejudice."

Let's just accept that terms can have different meanings in different contexts and the attempts to rigorously define terms even in specialist contexts (i.e. in psychiatry in this case) is ongoing, hey?

If your point is that the term alone can smear someone and make them appear as the beastliest of humans to some people who "don't REALLY know what a pedophile is," then maybe you should just "educate" those people instead of busting our balls...

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:48 am
by another lurker
Heh I once heard a pro-liar argue that if an 11 year old can't consent to being raped, she can't consent to an abortion either - if she becomes pregnant from the rape. The guy was a raging misogynist, who also believed that little girls pregnant from rape should also risk permanent disability, because embryos, clearly, are more important than the health of a child.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:49 am
by BillHamp
Re: What next for JREF?

Postby ischemgeek » Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:53 pm
Frankly, I don't give a shit. I'd planned at one point to go to TAM just for the experience, but JREF and similar organizations have dragged their feet on the misogyny/sexual harassment/sexual assault/etc issue for too fucking long and I quite frankly agree with Dana Hunter that we need to be done with the forgiving already. We've given chance after chance after chance after chance after chance, and I'm done.

I'm not going to expend any more energy on those assholes. I'm done.

EDIT: To answer your question, hyperdeath: #1, with 99% certainty.

Why? Slymepit exists and will keep JREF and similar groups alive and well. And they haven't done anything substantial the previous eleventybillion times this issue has been raised, so why do anything substantial this time? I predict a lot of pretty words about harassment and assault and no real action. If they don't go the CFI route and basically release a "suck it" press release.
It seems the A+ crowd and their friends are tired of giving us misongynists chances and so they are going to stop participating altogether. Let's hope the sentiment spreads so that atheism can go back to being about atheism. Wishful thinking? I hope not.

You can see the thread here:

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:50 am
by welch
John D wrote:
welch wrote:
Guest wrote:

Here, reading further from your favorite (and accurate from what I've seen, actually) Wiki article as you suggested:

"In law enforcement circles, the term pedophile is sometimes used in a broad manner to encompass a person who commits one or more sexually-based crimes that relate to legally underage victims. These crimes may include child sexual abuse, statutory rape, offenses involving child pornography, child grooming, stalking, and indecent exposure"

No one is talking about psychiatry here, dumbass, so the definition that only includes prepubescents isn't relevant. No one called the guy a pedophile in psychiatric terms.
QUOTE-MINOR!!!!! (see what I did there?) :-P
Walch - I am really just happy to find out that I am a pedophile. I never even considered this. Having sex with my 15yo girl friend (who is now my wife of 29 years) makes me a pedo. I think that is really fucking cool. I appreciate that you can give me these useful lables (pedo, racist, <fill-in-blank>. What would I do without you... you fucking twat!
not fix your quotes? Actually, I think you'd be pretty bummed without me. You now have an enemy to focus on. So when you get bored, when you have nothing useful to say (which is pretty common), you can just call me a twat/cunt/whatever, and your day is made.

I'm a helper.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:50 am
by Dick Strawkins
Al Stefanelli wrote:
codelette wrote:She most be a Twitter veteran...

Fuckin' self-centered asshole and her PTSD self-diagnosis.
A little back story on this, as it started out on my Facebook page...

I posted a link to the article I wrote on my blog about PZ's accusation of Shermer being a serial rapist. It garnered a lot of comments. Sarah Jones was one of those commenters and had expressed her opinion that I was victim-blaming the subject of PZ's grenade blog, in spite of the actual words that I wrote, which included several disclaimers, explanations and plain-language details about the purpose of what I wrote and why I wrote it.

Go figure...

Anyhow, one particular commenter issued death threats to Sarah Jones, so that part of the story is true. There were comments in that thread that included a threat on the life of Sarah Jones. Who is Sarah Jones? She is someone that I had previously interviewed on a radio show I co-host called 'The God Discussion,' where she was a guest.

You can read more about her and the show where we met here.

So, yes, she did receive death threats. Now, here is where it goes off the rails...

If anyone has the time or inclination to copy and paste the timeline of this particular twitter orgy, they will see it involved me, EllenBeth Wachs and several others. There were constant references to the death threats, righteous indignation about nobody coming to her aid, contacting the authorities, getting Facebook involved, etc.

What is not included in the twitter orgy (which is why I hate having conversations on twitter) are a few of facts (those pesky facts) that are pertinent to the situation.

1) The fact that when the threats were issued I was out of town for the day and that is why they were not immediately deleted or even addressed.

2) The fact that when I saw the threats I immediately deleted them, sent a private message to Sarah about the person who made the threats, posted a disclaimer on my wall about not tolerating death threats, re-blocked the individual and included a public apology to Sarah for being the recipient of said threats.

3) The individual who issued those threats is mentally ill.

Seriously and legitimately mentally ill. Anyone who would have bothered to read the comments on that thread (my Facebook account is public) would have immediately understood this. But just in case there is any doubt, the young man who issued the threats is a paranoid schizophrenic that suffers from delusions and hallucinations when he is not on his medication. I've known this kid for a while, and when he goes off his meds he gets very unpredictable, and thus I have had to block him a time or two over the years.

His comments leading up to the threats included his claims that:

* He is genetically engineered
* He has super powers
* He is an agent for Interpol
* He has killed thousands as a paid assassin for various governments
* He is a walking sovereign state who is above the law

Additionally, If anyone bothered to visit his Facebook page they would have read even more outlandish claims about himself being a real-life Iron Man (other super heroes have been invoked in the past) and other delusions and similar posts alluding to his being a genetically engineered soldier who works for Interpol as a paid assassin and is above the law and has agents working under him who he sends on various missions that include anything from killing heads of state to threats of assigning people to blow up government buildings. You would also find a lot about the government spying on him and various other paranoid delusions.

They would have immediately dismissed the threats for what they were, and moved on.

But Sarah Jones did not include these facts in her twitter meltdown. She decided to milk the living fuck out of it for reasons which are glaringly obvious and quite predictable.

After I had enough of being tagged in a war between her and EllenBeth, Kim Rippere, from Secular Woman (who supports PZ and you all know who she is and what Secular Woman is) chimed in, and then came the Melody Hensley tweet.

So, there you have it. Another Seinfeld incident.
Kim Rippere was irresponsibly tweeting links to that morewillbenamed tumblr site while it was online. It boggles my mind how so many people, of not even questionable but downright unsuitable temperament and abilities (Carrie Poppy?), seem to be in positions of power within the US secular movement.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:53 am
by welch
JackRayner wrote:
welch wrote:
JackRayner wrote:
Maybe because pedophilia is an actual thing, and 13-14 is way out of range? ... ferent.gif
funny how often that is used as a justification and not an academic explanation. Almost to the point where no one really gives a fuck. The fact the person someone was having sex with is 12 or 13 instead of 11 doesn't make it okay.
To start, I'm not trying to "justify" anyone's violation of the law of he land [so, yeah, this is an "academic explanation". If you don't give a fuck about the topic, then feel free to stay out of it...maybe?], I'm just stating that fucking a minor doesn't mean you're a pedophile, especially when it's 13-14 year olds. Next, 11 mightn't fall under pedophilia either, just as a heads up. And lastly, when it is and isn't "okay" to fuck a post-pubescent human is solely dependent on that culture's views, and the laws [whether tribal or governmental] they may make from these views. If you feel the need to apply some moral value to these things, be my guest, just know they're not objective.
actually, again, according to the DSM 13 is in the range. According to the ICD-10, 14 is. If you dislike that, take it up with them.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:04 am
by Gumby
Selenite wrote: Mr Deity nailed the response here. Perfect.

It also made me wonder if there's some behind-the-scenes communications between the non-FTB content-producers. FTB is trying to set themselves up as the community's official witch-finders. There are a lot of people who'd get hurt by that.
There's no doubt the more the merrier when it comes to making a stand against the FtB slanderers.

But even if there is no great coming together, FtB is still fucked. They're overconfident and reaching for ever-higher hanging fruit. The more unevidenced accusations they hurl, the more the community will dismiss them as a pack of rabid useless cranks. We've seen a huge increase in the number of people in the community who have done just that in the last two years, and the current high profile witch hunts are going to cause further large numbers of people who were formerly sitting on the fence to say "all right, enough is enough. Fuck you PZ, evidence or STFU".

Now that they are emboldened and are going after higher profile targets than, say, monopod man or the phantom Elevator Guy, they have effectively placed a noose around their necks. No major skeptic or atheist org is going to want anything to do with them (with the possible exception of AA, and even there I have to wonder if Silverman is now silently regretting his pro-FtB posturing).

Maybe this is all just wishful thinking on my part, but I just don't see any way for the Gnu McCarthyites to come out with a win here, at least not in the long term. They may never go away, religious fanatics never do, but I see their influence steadily waning as they are pushed aside by a community that is increasingly getting fed up with being told by a shrill band of hysterical shriekers that they are rapists, misogynists, and gender traitors.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:09 am
by John Brown
Dick Strawkins wrote:
Al Stefanelli wrote:
codelette wrote:She most be a Twitter veteran...

Fuckin' self-centered asshole and her PTSD self-diagnosis.
I can empathize with her. Like, when I got back from Afghanistan, I couldn't be in open places with lots of people around me, would jump out of my skin when other cars drove in my blind spot, and to this day still have to hide in my basement and wear noise cancelling headphones for a full week during the 4th of July (the headphones only help a little bit. You can still "feel" the explosions). I'm an extremely mild case, of course. I learned how to calm down around people and I still freak out when people drive in my blind spot, but I function just fine. Many don't. Many end up eating a bullet or too many pills, too much alcohol, death by cop, etc...

So, I can totally empathize with Melody's claim of PTSD from being forced to be on Twitter and Facebook. The horror....the horror.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:10 am
by Mykeru
welch wrote: Also, she was trying to post those pics so that only one or two people could see them, and some goob hacked the account. So now they're all over the internet, photoshopped to look nude, and she can't get away from them ever. If you read about the whole thing, it's completely fucked up. She was getting real threats to the point where she and her family, (intelligently) called the cops about it. Ended up having to be home schooled because everyone in the schools she tried to attend were calling her whore, porn star, etc.
First, I think the whole pedophile/hebephile distinction is a horse out of the barn, like trying to convince people "begging the question" doesn't mean "raising the question". Too late, sometimes you just get swamped by the stupid.

What I find disturbing is the shit she got over these pictures and the sense of betrayal she must have felt with their being disseminated. No matter how "well-developed" you think she is, she's a kid -- walking raw never and all -- and more often than not kid's worst enemies are other kids. As adults it's hard to remember the sheer devastation of being made a spectacle by your peers.

The dilemma is that on one hand we want to protect kids and severely punish those who prey on them -- even to the extent of confusing all miscreants with the lowest of predators -- yet kids are raised in this highly sexualized atmosphere which is a by product of our society being based on selling people shit they don't need and/or is bad for them.

Honestly, knowing the back-story, I would hesitate to stick yet another link on the internet.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:14 am
by deLurch
VAXherd wrote:
Some Lurker wrote:Reposting so it won't get lost at the end of the last page.
Skip to 5:15
Holy crap! He landed on that with both feet!
Holy crap!. I watched the first half minute of that and skipped it because I thought it was at best tangential commentary. But crap, he goes there and does in fact land on both feet.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:16 am
by John D
welch wrote: I'm a helper.
Thanks Welch - What would I do without you? Perhaps you can help me further.

I drink alcohol almost every day. Often I drift off to sleep feeling a bit tipsy. Does this make me an alcoholic? Perhaps you could call me a drunk. I just don't know what label is appropriate. Please tell me what I am. Should I just be called a drunk?

About once per month I use the company copy machine to make personal copies. I know it is against policy to do this. Do you think I am a thief? What term would you use? I there a specific name for someone who pilfers company office stuff like pens, copies etc. Please tell me what I am. Should I be called a thief?

I enjoy a good self-induced ejaculation about three times a week. Some kind of video or printed porn is usually involved. Do you think I am a porn addict? Am I a masturbation artist or a wack-junkie? Please tell me what I am. Should I be called a porn addict?

When I was a kid I used to pop ants under the bright light of a magnifying glass. This is obviously cruel to animals. Do you think I am a animal torturer? Is there a name for this? I am sure you know what this defect is called.

Thanks for your help you fucking cunt!

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:23 am
by another lurker
@John D

You should put Welch on ignore and then remind him about it every few posts. That'll put him in his place. It takes a real man to stand up to Welch.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:32 am
by debaser71
another lurker wrote:@John D

You should put Welch on ignore and then remind him about it every few posts. That'll put him in his place. It takes a real man to stand up to Welch.

This post was made by welch who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

Welch is a cunt. A dick. An asshole...But most of all welch is a baboon.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:37 am
by Guest
Some Lurker wrote:Reposting so it won't get lost at the end of the last page.
Skip to 5:15
The pharyngulites kinda loved that guy. Another divorce coming up.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:39 am
by Wonky Donkey
Brilliant video by Mr Deity.

Just under 5 and a half hours to go and the infamous handgrenade blog post is still there. Whilst PZ is in a lose lose situation, the movement that are using him as a conduit are in a win win situation.

1. Case: it gets pulled. Yet another sign how the patriarchy suppresses the poor fragile woman, hear us roar!.
2. Case: it stays there. PZ standing up to the bullies, hear us roar!
3. Case: goes to court, salacious details come out and get rebutted - becomes a public platform for da message, hear us roar!
4. Case: goes to court, as above, PZ loses - see (1)
5. Case: goes to court, as above, Shermer loses - becomes a public platform for da message and hear da movement roar til your ears bleed!

Either way, significant damage has and will be done to the conference circuit's ability to chose its own speakers without help from da movement. The drip feeding keeps it in the news.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:39 am
by Guest
to be fair welch is more like a bonobo

maybe a guenon

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:39 am
by Gumby
Guest wrote:
Some Lurker wrote:Reposting so it won't get lost at the end of the last page.
Skip to 5:15
The pharyngulites kinda loved that guy. Another divorce coming up.
Correction: Mr. Deity will soon be accused of rape.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:42 am
by debaser71
deLurch wrote:
VAXherd wrote:
Some Lurker wrote:Reposting so it won't get lost at the end of the last page.
Skip to 5:15
Holy crap! He landed on that with both feet!
Holy crap!. I watched the first half minute of that and skipped it because I thought it was at best tangential commentary. But crap, he goes there and does in fact land on both feet.
I was gonna just skip it too but your post made me view the video. Holy crap! Right on point.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:43 am
by Jonathan
Gumby wrote:
Guest wrote:
Some Lurker wrote:Reposting so it won't get lost at the end of the last page.
Skip to 5:15
The pharyngulites kinda loved that guy. Another divorce coming up.
Correction: Mr. Deity will soon be accused of rape.
Wasn't he once a Mormon? Weren't some Mormons racist..... it practically writes itself.

Evil misogynist bastard that he is.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:43 am
by welch
Mykeru wrote:
welch wrote: Also, she was trying to post those pics so that only one or two people could see them, and some goob hacked the account. So now they're all over the internet, photoshopped to look nude, and she can't get away from them ever. If you read about the whole thing, it's completely fucked up. She was getting real threats to the point where she and her family, (intelligently) called the cops about it. Ended up having to be home schooled because everyone in the schools she tried to attend were calling her whore, porn star, etc.
First, I think the whole pedophile/hebephile distinction is a horse out of the barn, like trying to convince people "begging the question" doesn't mean "raising the question". Too late, sometimes you just get swamped by the stupid.

What I find disturbing is the shit she got over these pictures and the sense of betrayal she must have felt with their being disseminated. No matter how "well-developed" you think she is, she's a kid -- walking raw never and all -- and more often than not kid's worst enemies are other kids. As adults it's hard to remember the sheer devastation of being made a spectacle by your peers.

The dilemma is that on one hand we want to protect kids and severely punish those who prey on them -- even to the extent of confusing all miscreants with the lowest of predators -- yet kids are raised in this highly sexualized atmosphere which is a by product of our society being based on selling people shit they don't need and/or is bad for them.

Honestly, knowing the back-story, I would hesitate to stick yet another link on the internet.
While I have, do, and will tell grownups that they need to stop giving power to people they have never met just because it's the internet, I do not do that for kids, and for the reasons you give. She wasn't trying to be a whore or a slut. She was taking pictures of herself for her boyfriend. She was looking pretty for someone she cared about, and because someone couldn't resist the temptation to hack an account and then further resist the temptation to put what they found on the internet, what is a trying time at best became something no kid should have to go through.

The hacking and dumping the pics out is somewhat personal to me because of what I do. I have access, literally, to the personal photos and what not of hundreds of people. it wouldn't even be "hacking" in the sense of bypassing security. I have root access to their stuff. I literally AM the security in a sense, and I am keenly aware of the trust that involves.

I have, in the course of my job, seen some rather personal stuff. emails, photos, and whatnot. None of it was illegal, or even close. (Professional trust ends where the law begins. I find kiddie porn on a hard drive, that computer is shut down and the cops are called. period.) but it was obviously private stuff. I cannot imagine the thought process that makes it okay to dump someone's private pictures, videos, or thoughts out on the internet just for lulz. not like that. Not for an adult, not for a kid.

I know adults that kind of thing has happened to. Ex-boy/girlfriends get mad at the breakup and all those pictures you took or the stupid poems you wrote are now on the internet. They're better able to cope, but it's not much easier.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:44 am
by welch
John D wrote:
welch wrote: I'm a helper.
Thanks Welch - What would I do without you? Perhaps you can help me further.

I drink alcohol almost every day. Often I drift off to sleep feeling a bit tipsy. Does this make me an alcoholic? Perhaps you could call me a drunk. I just don't know what label is appropriate. Please tell me what I am. Should I just be called a drunk?

About once per month I use the company copy machine to make personal copies. I know it is against policy to do this. Do you think I am a thief? What term would you use? I there a specific name for someone who pilfers company office stuff like pens, copies etc. Please tell me what I am. Should I be called a thief?

I enjoy a good self-induced ejaculation about three times a week. Some kind of video or printed porn is usually involved. Do you think I am a porn addict? Am I a masturbation artist or a wack-junkie? Please tell me what I am. Should I be called a porn addict?

When I was a kid I used to pop ants under the bright light of a magnifying glass. This is obviously cruel to animals. Do you think I am a animal torturer? Is there a name for this? I am sure you know what this defect is called.

Thanks for your help you fucking cunt!

Bless your heart.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:45 am
by welch
debaser71 wrote:
another lurker wrote:@John D

You should put Welch on ignore and then remind him about it every few posts. That'll put him in his place. It takes a real man to stand up to Welch.

This post was made by welch who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

Welch is a cunt. A dick. An asshole...But most of all welch is a baboon.
thank god you told me you're ignoring me. I might have forgot.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:45 am
by welch
another lurker wrote:@John D

You should put Welch on ignore and then remind him about it every few posts. That'll put him in his place. It takes a real man to stand up to Welch.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:51 am
by Tribble
DeepInsideYourMind wrote:
Guest wrote:
I don't even...Both Watson and Welch (as well as the "indignant rabid baboons") used it in the vernacular sense of "sex with person below the age of consent." Obviously the legal terms differ and I'm guessing no places officially call it "pedophilia" in that sense but they refer to the exact same thing. Similarly, no one invoked the term in a psychiatric sense. Perhaps the problem in comprehension lies with you in this case?
Sex with someone below the age of consent is .... sex with someone below the age of consent

Pedophilia means something different.

You can play moral indignation all you like, you can claim they mean the same thing all you like, you can say that nobody would think they are different... but it really doesn't make any difference, as the only basis that matters is the definition of the word in legal and medical terms.

Whether sex with someone below the age of consent is right or wrong has nothing to do with it, and is also variable depending upon location, jurisdiction and a host of other factors.

So accusations of pedophilia are pretty much on the same scale as accusations of rape - right at the top of the "you don't want to accuse people of these criminal acts unless you have seriously strong evidence" list
Which is part of the irony. The other part is "age of consent' is, in part, a social construct based on 'feelings and icky' and doesn't respect individual biological differences and desires. In Canada the age of consent is 16, but there are two close-in-age exemptions: minors 14–15 may have sex with a partner who is less than five years older, and minors aged 12–13 may have sex with a partner who is less than two years older.

In Brazil it's 14. In Argentina it's 18. The US varies like crazy and is usually between 16-and-18. In Chile, depending on factors, earliest age of consent is 14. Fourteen seems to be without any 'near age' factors in China, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay and Colombia. Israel is interesting because as long as there's no penetration, 14 is the age of consent. But 16 for 'penetration' sex. In Japan it's 13, though localities can raise it.

There is nothing substantive to explain those differences between our European/Western values and those of countries in what's considered 'ok' beyond 'icky creeper presumed exploitation' feelings to which we've incorporated as a 'valid social construct' without, frankly, a lot of thought.

Not that I'm going to have sex with young girls. Even as a horny 8th grader who ended getting dumped because I wouldn't put out, I've always been quite clear in my mind that sex is for older. And, if we had a poll on the subject, I would be money I was one of the latest starters because I didn't lose my viriginity until I was 21.

After all, we're not all controlled by our dicks. But not all of us are also blinded by social conventions and mores we accept as 'true, right and factual' despite they're just being (primarily) constructs we, to a great part, rationalize.

Or pretend having sex with post-puberty underage girls is the same thing as being a pedophile.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:58 am
by LurkerPerson
"Would you like a refill?"
"No, thank you. Now, see how easy that was? Here's another little tip:
If you find it hard to say no to the refill, you can just leave the glass full, don't take another sip! That's my friendly little piece of advice to those of you without a backbone, or any sense of personal responsability."


Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:06 am
by codelette
John Brown wrote:
I can empathize with her. Like, when I got back from Afghanistan, I couldn't be in open places with lots of people around me, would jump out of my skin when other cars drove in my blind spot, and to this day still have to hide in my basement and wear noise cancelling headphones for a full week during the 4th of July (the headphones only help a little bit. You can still "feel" the explosions). I'm an extremely mild case, of course. I learned how to calm down around people and I still freak out when people drive in my blind spot, but I function just fine. Many don't. Many end up eating a bullet or too many pills, too much alcohol, death by cop, etc...

So, I can totally empathize with Melody's claim of PTSD from being forced to be on Twitter and Facebook. The horror....the horror.
Yeah, me too. Her plight is eerily similar to that time when Hurricane Hugo hit Puerto Rico and destroyed our house and belongings. :violin:

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:13 am
by Rope apologist
LurkerPerson wrote:"Would you like a refill?"
"No, thank you. Now, see how easy that was? Here's another little tip:
If you find it hard to say no to the refill, you can just leave the glass full, don't take another sip! That's my friendly little piece of advice to those of you without a backbone, or any sense of personal responsability."

I sort of liked how awful some of the anonymous reports of the Gospels were, like Jesus smiting the tree for no reason, and claiming to be God. Not poking at any cult-like leader, is he?

Never you mind, Peezus, when you see a shark, jumping it is the only proper response.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:17 am
by Jonathan
PZ has a dig at Thunderf00t, because that's worked so well for him in the past:

Increasingly I'm thinking he's not going to retract after all; instead he'll try and bullshit his way through whatever comes next.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:20 am
by Rope apologist
deLurch wrote:
VAXherd wrote:
Some Lurker wrote:Reposting so it won't get lost at the end of the last page.
Skip to 5:15
Holy crap! He landed on that with both feet!
Holy crap!. I watched the first half minute of that and skipped it because I thought it was at best tangential commentary. But crap, he goes there and does in fact land on both feet.
Yes, somehow I missed this one on Pharyngula.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:24 am
by Southern
welch wrote:
Also, she was trying to post those pics so that only one or two people could see them, and some goob hacked the account. So now they're all over the internet, photoshopped to look nude, and she can't get away from them ever. If you read about the whole thing, it's completely fucked up. She was getting real threats to the point where she and her family, (intelligently) called the cops about it. Ended up having to be home schooled because everyone in the schools she tried to attend were calling her whore, porn star, etc.

But yeah, I can't see looking at those and thinking "she must be over 18".

Also, really? So because the women in question were 13 and 14, it was okay? Now, I have a SLIGHT understanding for Epstein given he was told the women were 18, (and I mean an infinitesimally small one), but holy shit, why would you even take that risk? you want to walk on the edge of statutory for what? If you have that kind of kink in your personality, that's what FANTASY is for. You find someone clearly of legal age, and have them PRETEND.

You don't go finding hookers who are right on the edge, and then get all shocked they lied. Oh no. Someone engaged in an illegal activity was less than honest. How fucking shocking.

Also, the whole "they were 13 and 14 so it wasn't pedophilia"? if I don't buy that idiocy when Bill Donohue spouts it to defend the Catholic Church, why would I, or anyone, buy it when used to defend someone else?
I agree with all your points, but: 13 to 14 may not be legally pedophilia, "just" statutory rape or something along those lines. I don't know if in the US of A there is a legal difference between those two, but here where I live there is: age 16+ may be fair game, depending on circumstances (place, consent, presence or absence of alcohol; in this case, there is a good reason why "moderately drunk" equals "not able to consent", since minors shouldn't be drinking); ages 14 to 16 it's somewhat sketchy, and you may be charged with sexual assault, depending on circumstances; 13 and below, it's statutory rape, abuse of a minor, sexual assault, and other criminal charges, no question asked.

Either way, an adult should know better than sleep with prebubescent/early pubescent younglings. Specially if they lived 30+ years over this pale blue dot - they got time to learn how to behave and control themselves.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:27 am
by Ericb
Jonathan wrote:PZ has a dig at Thunderf00t, because that's worked so well for him in the past:

Increasingly I'm thinking he's not going to retract after all; instead he'll try and bullshit his way through whatever comes next.
Maybe he really believes that he's a White Night of Colour on a crusade against the rape culture. Oh the glory he will feel this afternoon. The Skepchicks will be swooning at his feet. ... ixote1.gif

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:33 am
by zenbabe
Jan. You're just the bestest.
I so tweeted that :)

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:36 am
by zenbabe
deLurch wrote:
VAXherd wrote:
Some Lurker wrote:Reposting so it won't get lost at the end of the last page.
Skip to 5:15
Holy crap! He landed on that with both feet!
Holy crap!. I watched the first half minute of that and skipped it because I thought it was at best tangential commentary. But crap, he goes there and does in fact land on both feet.
I liked the whole thing quite a bit, but the part at the end about alcohol was sublime. The part where he said that the only reason for Jesus to turn water into wine was for "nefarious" reasons just slayed me.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:40 am
by Rope apologist
Jonathan wrote:PZ has a dig at Thunderf00t, because that's worked so well for him in the past:

Increasingly I'm thinking he's not going to retract after all; instead he'll try and bullshit his way through whatever comes next.
Messiahs do need their moments upon the cross. So we can hope.

Come on PZ, you've got a whole bunch of people who'll be there for you. They'll never leave, no matter how abusive you are. No, really, unless you fail somehow, and you know that'll never happen.

Oh, my bet is that he caves, actually. Assuming he has a lawyer now, said attorney is saying, you just have a woman drinking too much and regretting what she did (at least that's the most we know), and limit your damages for PZ's sake. The subtext to that may be that the lawyer isn't going to stick around for free if PZ's going to just sabotage the defense. And the "victim's anonymity" (which he's pretty much destroyed, if it ever existed) can be invoked, and he'll get away with it.

But don't, Myers. Think of the wymyns and the skeptics who'll never question what you do. You can be the one who never caves.

And I just won't have that much entertainment if you fold.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:41 am
by katamari Damassi
Guest wrote:
Some Lurker wrote:Reposting so it won't get lost at the end of the last page.
Skip to 5:15
The pharyngulites kinda loved that guy. Another divorce coming up.
As soon as I get home I'm hitting Mr. D's donate button.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:48 am
by Ericb
Rope apologist wrote:
Jonathan wrote:PZ has a dig at Thunderf00t, because that's worked so well for him in the past:

Increasingly I'm thinking he's not going to retract after all; instead he'll try and bullshit his way through whatever comes next.
Messiahs do need their moments upon the cross. So we can hope.

Come on PZ, you've got a whole bunch of people who'll be there for you. They'll never leave, no matter how abusive you are. No, really, unless you fail somehow, and you know that'll never happen.

Oh, my bet is that he caves, actually. Assuming he has a lawyer now, said attorney is saying, you just have a woman drinking too much and regretting what she did (at least that's the most we know), and limit your damages for PZ's sake. The subtext to that may be that the lawyer isn't going to stick around for free if PZ's going to just sabotage the defense. And the "victim's anonymity" (which he's pretty much destroyed, if it ever existed) can be invoked, and he'll get away with it.

But don't, Myers. Think of the wymyns and the skeptics who'll never question what you do. You can be the one who never caves.

And I just won't have that much entertainment if you fold.

Either way he's probably done. The choices are standing his ground and going up in a blaze of "glory" or caving and while he maybe able to save his hide legally this way the luster will be gone and it will be clear to all that he's passed his peak and the battle for a successor will begin.

Re: Shall Mr Vacula Make a Misstep in the Capital of Eire?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:59 am
by Cunning Punt
The Tim Channel wrote:
Tony Parsehole wrote:
Linus wrote:
Please go fall in a puddle of AIDS.

A puddle of AIDS! LOL!
Dam the trolls are weak here. I've seen better trolls on FB ferchrissakes. This goober doesn't even have the good sense to go full homo ad hom, opting for the (played out) AIDS triangulation. I'm not impressed at all. There's more happening on the PZ Clock Countdown page than in the mind of this (likely closeted) homophobe.

You're boring me.