Recently discovered this place

Double wank and shit chips

Recently discovered this place


Post by Guest_f0e84f80 »

I used to be into the Atheist and eventually Skeptic movements, fighting a number of skirmishes again the creationists and the religious right in general. Not too long after that elevator incident with Rebecca Watson I sort of went on hiatus for quite a while. Recently I've discovered Sargon of Akkad's channel and have been watching some of his earlier stuff, which lead me to you guys. That's when I discovered what's been going on during my absence and I am quite shocked that it's gone this far.

I must admit from that interview with Sargon I was hoping this forum would be somewhat more active than it currently is, retaking the skeptical movement, if it's even possible, is going to need a lot of people power. Is there any hope?

Posts: 3198
Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:36 am
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Re: Recently discovered this place


Post by Aneris »

Hi, you need to head to the Undead Thread, where the action is.

It's a strange format at first, but you eventually get used to it. It's like an endless comment thread where everyone just throws in what's on their mind and which quite well reflects what is going on in the “secular movement”.
